Monday, January 30, 2017


My books I am reading and the one falling apart is my Bible.   
I am looking at the gospel of John from the perspective of the characters that are talked about.

Nathanael comes to Jesus with a very negative attitude.  Can anything good come out of Nazareth he questions.  Jesus revealed his knowledge of him as being a scholar as was meant when he said I saw you under the fig tree.  He had a zeal for the law until this encounter broke through the shell that had been his protection from the mystical.  He left in awe and wonder with a willingness to believe.

This is a non-literal reading as suggested by Bishop Spong.  It is interesting to view this reading from a different perspective.

The sad news about the barbaric shooting in the Quebec Mosque is tragic,

This old world is just not getting any better.

Dad and I worked in the yard today although he did the most cleaning up.

John and Pat dropped by and it was pleasant just to talk about happy times.

The one thing we can never get enough of is Love.
And the one thing we can never give enough of is Love.  -      Henry Miller


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness that is a well tattered have spent many years reading it Beth...a faithful servant of the Lord. Your other books look interesting as well.

It seems surreal to read that you and Larry were out working in your yard, when I look out at the think blanket of snow that surrounds us. We lost about half of it in the big melt of 12 days, but I am sure it will be replaced soon enough. Yard work is months off in the distance.

I do like this quiet time of seems to re-charge my batteries. I enjoy the peacefulness outdoors when I take Max and Bell for walks....we usually don't meet anyone...a person or a vehicle. Our neighbours are the deer as they watch us from the safety of the bush or the cawk of a raven as he flies by. I like to fool them and cawk back until they swing around to swoop down and see what strange raven is making this noise. Their wings make a whoop whoop they fly by.

There are quite a few ice shacks out on the lake this winter. It is a very popular sport here....and the fishing is good. Some folks enjoy socialiing more than fishing. The cull fish are thrown on the ice and the wolves come along and clean things up...what is left over is eaten by the ravens and magpies.

We have a large flock of Red Polls at the bird feeder this winter. They are migratory and come from the ARtic tundra when the weather is very cold. They are jaunty little birds, who wear a red cap and the males have a brightly streaked red breast. They make quite a racket when they are in a flock in the trees and the sun is shining on them. So nice to go out and hear on a frosty winter day.

We decided not to go to the city today. The highway is ice covered after the thaw yesterday and the freeze overnight. I much prefer it to stay cold...below -10C. 0C is trouble. We will go tomorrow when it is much colder...-20C

Have you read any of Kate Morton's novel's? I am re-reading Distant is a mystery and she writes quite a compelling story that you don't want to put down. I was too tired last night to read more than one chapter though. She also wrote the Distant Garden.

Well we are off for our walk..have to dodge the icy roads...the gravel roads here are very treacherous and the forest paths are too snow covered to walk on.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Kids back to school yesterday. Matthew. Grade 3 and Jasmine is in grade 2.

Sandra said...

I was sure I commented this morning, it does not seem to have stuck.

Randy had been working on the kitchen all day, with out eating a single thing, just running out to the city to see his bone doctor (density is up by 7%)

I had just got home from Pilates and was watching murder in paradise when he yelled from the kitchen.

I go running in to find him bent over and blood dripping all over the floor. The drill had kicked back and hit him in the head. Twice I found out when I started the bandaging.

He did not want to go to the hospital, though I told him if it happened at work I would make the men go. His face is very sore, it hit him just above the eye.

See how today goes, I told him to eat and pace him self, but he never listens.


beth bennett said...

I feel like I have been on a nature walk with Nancy,

It will be hard for the kids to wake up for school I imagine.

Randy can call us any time. Sounds kike a bad cut but I suppose it could be worse,

Good his bone density is up.

Time to go shopping for food.= Just at the Safeway,

love mom