Friday, January 20, 2017


Dad and I came to rescue Sandra who was very busy looking after Ophelia.  They both looked so happy in the rocking chair.
She even stayed asleep when Sandra put her down.
I really wish I could be of more help but as I am realizing more and more it is now my time to receive help.  Not always an easy thing to do.

Dad and I went out for breakfast as he left home to drive over without a bite to eat.  Actually he had a hamburger which he really enjoyed.  I went home to have a nap, something I know I need to do or I get cranky.  I realize it is not always what I say but my tone of voice.

"Original sin is the one verifiable Christian dogma."
We all make mistakes and recognizing our weaknesses is so important.

Dad went down to see his friend Don who is now in hospital close to death.  He is hoping he will be able to be freed from his pain and suffering.  Dad talked to the doctor and will be going in again in the morning.  They have great memories and laughed over some of the tricks they played at work.

One of there mates bought a new car and liked to brag about his gas mileage and so one fellow decided to top up his gas every day he came to work.  He could not believe haw great his mileage was.  Then they decided to take some out and he was heart broken.  A mean trick they had to confess too.

Jesus came to deliver and rescue us from our false assumptions about God as a strict task maker who is quick to punish.  Instead the goodness and mercy of God can absorb our sinfulness when we fall short of the mark of being loving and kind to others.


Sandra said...

Did you go to the pantry or some where else?

Ophelia Peanut and I had a big long walk after you left. It was so nice and warm out I could take off my jacket.

Spent the rest of the day after Leah came just organizing the stuff up in the temporary kitchen.


nancy-Lou said...

Isn't Ophelia a precious little girl. Such a sweet photo of Sandra and the rocking chair.
It is so nice to see family helping out with her care...I remember babies take a lot of work!
What a huge job that would be...putting in a new kitchen and setting up a temporary one....but I am sure it will look wonderful.

It has been mild for days now and the snowbanks are bowing down now....but it has been raining and the poor wildlife are wet. It will turn colder in a couple of days and the snow will become ice and the deer etc will have a terrible time trying to walk on the paths in the forest they have made. It will be treacherous for us older folks too...I think we will stay home as much as we can. We have two days in Winnipeg next week for medical appointments but will cancel if the highway is really bad.

I, too, get cranky if I am tired or have a lot of don't feel too badly, Beth...we are human and it happens.

Well, I have to go and organize my art supplies for my afternoon class. I need to be ready because I teach piano lessons first.
I wish you a wonderful day...

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No we did not find the Pantry but went to the Dutch Pancake Hous2.
I actually had a very flat thin pancake with fruit and whipped cream.
It turned out to be a nice day.

Lots of rain ahead.

Take care

Love mom

craig decraene said...

Hi, looks like you guys had lots of fun