Saturday, January 14, 2017


This picture is one dad took when he came to pick me up at Boundary Park.  We had looked at homes there, actually town houses.  We were disappointed at the time but missed out on purchasing a home there.  We are now happy here in a very stable neighborhood.

Dad drove me to the White Rock Hospital for my last iron infusion which turned out to be another four hour one.  Dad spent the time visiting Carol at the White Spot and then over to visit his friend Don.  He enjoys dad's visit even in his very frail condition.

I was down to the last half hour when a younger woman came in and sat across from me beside an elderly gentleman.  It was her last treatment too but she has found them very difficult.  The nurse had a difficult time threading the needle into her views.  This is always hard on both the nurse and the patient.  Finally she was all hooked up and was able to enjoy a visit with the elderly man who like to tell everyone about his heart operation.

Both he and I finished our infusions at the same time and she was going to be left alone.  She was unhappy but then his blood pressure was up and they would not let him leave.  They wanted him to stay until they saw it going down.  He was very cheerful about it all and said he felt fine.  I felt better leaving as she would have company for a little while longer.

It has been good meeting people and sharing a lot in common.  She made a good friend at her last treatment who she has become good friends with, so you never know where or when you will meet a friend!

I can relate to her need for inner stability and security.  Sometimes we lose this security because we have too high expectations. There is no one who is stable emotionally and physically who can meet our needs.  For me that means my relationship with Jesus becomes the most stable because he can relate to us humans not as a rescuer who removes all our problems but as a friend who stays with us to encourage and support.


Sandra said...

We had a quiet day as well. Pilates, the vet. They have decided to leave Peanuts bladder infection for now. They can not kill it and being on anti biotics for so long is not good for her.

Bit of shopping at Super Store then Randy headed to work and I tried to get some pictures printed and then worked on our income tax.

My Netflix recommendation was again in a foreign language, I think it was Spanish this time.


Steady-as-rain said...

Don't forget cooking with a cast iron frying pan could add a little iron to your diet.

I am driving up to Williams Lake tomorrow for work. Will be a long day.

Yes, your comments about Jesus as a friend and comfort reminded me about the Frontline show "Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero". Which I think is the most intelligent discussion of faith and God I have ever seen. Basically, some people said after their family members died in 9/11 "I know longer believe in God, as he let me down". The clergy people eventually were saying, "Belief in God is no inoculation against death and suffering; rather it is a source of comfort when those things eventually happen." I am paraphrasing, of course. Good show to watch though.



Anonymous said...

On my way back to Melbourne. Had a nice visit with all the kids. Both Brittany and Tyler are looking at buying a house . Hobey came over to play tennis yesterday.i was up 5 love then the rain started. We got almost 100 mm in and hour. We went for a swim in the pouring rain then went out for dinner. It was soooo hot when I arrived. The storm dropped temperatures but the humidity has gone up. Hot today and tomorrow if your watching the Australian Open starting today.