Wednesday, January 11, 2017


There is hardly a more gracious gift that we can offer somebody than to accept them fully, to love them almost despite themselves.  Elizabeth Gilbert

Certain things in life simply have to be experienced-and never explained.
Love is such a thing.  -Paulo Maetub

I was happy to have Ev pick me up for our Bible Study at the church.  She is great fun and a person who likes to help others.  I found my book but did the wrong lessons.  We were talking about evil and how Jesus was able to heal and cast out evil spirits.  I remember years ago our minister Ed White had phoned and asked me to come to the church.  There was a young woman there who was convinced
she had an evil spirit in her.  Ed and I listened to her talk and then prayed for her deliverance.  I do not know whether she was mentally ill but she was lonely and afraid.  After more talking and prayer I was feeling tired and uncertain not knowing what else to do, so Ed decided to take her home for the night.  I wonder what his dear wife Anne thought.  She was better by morning and left by bus.

Faith ponders the spiritual dimension of our existence.  I believe in the healing power of prayer that can replace fear with love and acceptance.  Our group shares openly with one another as we all have families that worry us at times.  There is a spiritual energy in our sharing and our laughter and our caring.

We call things that happen in our lives coincidences but there is a mysterious force that is at work within each one of us and around us too.

Dad went out shopping to his favorite second hand store and brought hoe a broken lamp which he took great delight in fixing.  It has no lamp shade so I am back again needing a lamp shade.  Maybe Sandra is getting rid of one?

Thanks Nancy for the affirming words about the pills it is helpful.  Also one of the girls had an iron infusion years ago and she has been fine since then so that also was affirming.

Faith like love is also mysterious and yet can be experienced as a sense of peace and security joy , renewed strength and hope.  Looking at the stars tonight so bright in the cold clear air and I feel a sense of wonder at all the mysterious vastness of our universe!

It was a good day but now my feet are cold and my brain is ready to shut off so I will say good night and sleep well.


Sandra said...

I was hoping that you would post a picture of this new lamp. I do have a lamp shade that I have been hoping to find a lamp for and it may suit your lamp.

I am back searching on meetups looking for a way to get out and meet people. I may just give up though, as it is just so much work.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, lets see a picture of the new lamp! I have some shades too, but I think I live too far away! Good for Larry fixing it. I think he is good at those things!

I wonder if Jesus and his many gifts will ever come back to Earth...really do. I know the prophecy says he will return, but it sure has ben a long time and things are going downhill quickly!

BRRRRR. We woke to a blinding blizzard this morning and howling winds. The temperature was -17 and it quickly dropped to -25 as a cold front blew through. Many highways were closed, including ours...but my son came and picked me up and we went to the local store to stock up on necessities.
Driving through the causeway between Victoria Beach ( which really is an island, joined to the mainland by a road) ....the visibility was almost nil.

That is quite a story about the young woman who thought she was possessed. Perhaps she was scitzophrenic? That was very kind of you and the minister to help her, Beth and perhaps you saved her life!

Back to teaching now and had a couple of great piano lessons with my students today. They are so inspiring! I miss them when it is holiday time!
I will be teaching teen art this Saturday and have a painting planned of the Manigotogan River, which is about two hours north of here. There are beautiful rapids there. It is part of the Boreal forest where we live. Lots of birch, pine, poplar and spruce trees with sparkling blue waters.

I wish you a lovely evening, Beth,
Love, Nancy