Monday, January 9, 2017


Great pictures of two of our special grand kids!  I love the cards from Australia and the excellent printing in side!

I walked over to the park to take the decorations off the tree before they got blown away.  The wind was horrific the night before.  All the balls were removed and I think maybe someone took them so that is fine by me.

Dad had misplaced his drill so that was the motivation for cleaning out closets etc.  Our bedroom closet has some tools still being kept safe so I started in there.  Over Christmas things sorta just get shoved out of the way.  I am trying to think about getting rid of some of my cards from years gone by.  I have boxes of them.  Also some old pictures that bring back memories.
Carol with her swim team.  She was doing very well.

My visit with Sandra in Spruce Grove.  They lived on acreage and it was great fun visiting.

I will be very motivated to-morrow because it is a big mess right now.  I want to take my time going through things before I put them back.  The good news is dad found his drill.

Carol has printed out the questions from the nature path which is with walking distance.  I think she is hoping this will motivate me!

It was very enjoyable to have Carol and Panteli stop in for a visit.  Dad's stories motivated a few from Panteli.  Both great story tellers.

"To love and be loved is the most empowering and exhilarating (and motivating) of all human emotions."  Jane Goodall


Sandra said...

It is good to have a project on the go to keep you busy on these cold wintery days. Almost worth making a mess just so you have something to clean up.

Having to reshuffle furniture around has me motivated to do some reducing on my own.

Oh, and while I think of it, if you see Kimberly ask is she wants any pots and pans. I will be getting rid of a bunch when I pack up the kitchen.

Oh, and do you want to come over for lunch on Friday? It may be the last chance if I get going packing on Sunday.


Unknown said...

Yes l need to have a go at sorting out our closets also our storage space .Things seem to accumulate very easily. l'm so pleased to hear that you have a new minister at Colebrook l do hope that this appointment will work out well.
We had a lovely dinner with Elizabeth last night . She is an imaginative cook . always trying new dishes. l must get moving as Geof goes to his program this morning and l have an appointment with my G.P.Hope your day goes well. Love . Jane

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't it funny how you get on "a roll" when looking for just one thing...which leads to another and another!
I loved the old nice to see everyone when they were younger. What are the names of Sandra's children, Mary, ? ? My cousin lived in Spruce Grove for many years and had 6 children,

Aren't your Auzzie Grandchildren growing up? I remember seeing photos of them and they were a lot smaller. Lovely children. What are their names?

Carl's footcare nurse came for a visit. He wasn't ready to have his feet done. She is a friend and often stops in while driving around to her clients.

It sure is cold in Vancouver. I just watched the forecast and it said -1C for a high tomorrow and maybe snow on the weekend. YIKES. It is cold here too with an predicted overnight low of -28.

Have a great evening

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra
Yes we can come on Friday.
Give Kim a call we do not see her

Hi Nancy
It is bitterly cold here,
I had a short walk around the block.
Sandra has three children Mary, Cameron and Stephen.

Ken's children are Jasmine and Matthew.
Today is Jasmine's birthday.
We are trying to phone but having some problems.

Carol's children are Kim, Theresa and Oliver.

Going to go and try phoning again.

Enjoy your day! All of you

Love Beth