Wednesday, January 25, 2017


The heavy snow has taken its toll on our butterfly tree.  Dad spent the afternoon chopping up the branches so they can go out with the garbage.
There is going to be a lot of clean-up as the weather gets nicer.

Meanwhile the dialogue at our Bible study was both hilarious and meaning full at the same time.
We are learning from each other as we share our experiences good and not so good.

"The Bible is an account of ancient sacred dialogue which is initiated , inspired  and guided by God with and among humanity."  -Steve Chaike

"God speaks to humanity in countless ways through friends, music, poetry, film, theater, paintings, nature, dance and even silence."  God's inspiration is everywhere for those who are willing to listen and also dialogue with Him.

To-morrow dad will be getting his first hormone shot at the doctor's and I will ask for my blood form that has not arrived yet.  Again there has been the wrong mail delivered to us that I had to take over to the right neighbor.

After we will visit Don and learn if he will be getting his request granted to end his life.  I have mixed feelings but it is not right for anyone to suffer more and more each day.  It is a reminder to me that each day is meant to be lived to the fullest it can be! 


Sandra said...

Yes, it is a tremendous and irrevocable decision to make. It is hard enough to do with an animal, so much more mixed feeling when it is a friend or loved one making this decision.

My butterfly bush has a large branch broken, and other that that just one branch on one of the small Japanese maples. On my walks lots of other people had much more significant loss to their trees. I have taught Randy to knock snow off and he did a good job while I was gone of making the rounds to give the trees a good shake .


Sandra said...

Choose foods containing vitamin C to enhance iron absorption. You can enhance your body's absorption of iron by drinking citrus juice or eating other foods rich in vitamin C at the same time that you eat high-iron foods. Vitamin C in citrus juices, like orange juice, helps your body to better absorb dietary iron.Nov 11, 2016

nancy-Lou said...

Dialogue...well it sounds like you and your study group have a wide variety of things to talk about. I can tell you really enjoy your time together. I used to enjoy our study group as well.

After watching our dear daughter in law die from cancer I think choosing to have doctor assisted suicide would be a good option for people who are in the same circumstances. It is a terrible way to die...the only good thing was, it was fairly quickly for her..just four months from the time of diagnosis. She suffered so much. I hope Don can receive his is such a personal decision, isn't it? Prayers for Don and for his wish to be granted.

We had a long day at the hospital, with lots of tests for Carl and I. He has pleurisy again....which happens every time he has the drug Rituxabab for his arthritis. It isn't too bad yet and our doctor is looking after him well.
So glad we could do everything there...EKG, bloodwork at the lab and x-rays.

I was so tired when we got home, after 6pm, that I went to bed an hour later....well it could be too, that I picked up four new books at VV and was anxious to read. Being comforted by my three pets...Gilbert the cat, Bella and Max the dogs..all on my bed too, snuggling up.Life is good! Didn't get too far in my new book.

Too bad about your butterfly bush. Do you think it can be rescued? They are so pretty, but won't survive our cold winters. The deer destroy many of our shrubs....they eat them in the wintertime. I bought two Mountain Ash trees in memory of George, Carl's brother and the deer destroyed them in no time.

How is the iron level now Beth? Are you feeling more energetic? I sure hope so. It is good to know that citric acid helps to absorb iron.Carl often suffers from low iron too.Thanks to Sandra.

I wish you a great day today, Beth,

Love, Nancy

I will take Bella and Max for a walk today..not too far though, it is colder.

beth bennett said...

I knew about vitamin C but then they said it was not good for the bladder.

I will get my blood tested to-morrow. I picked up the form and it is hard to believe after more than eight days the form has not gotten here.

It will come when I do not need it. That is life.

Don's life was ended Wed. night at 5 o'clock.

He did not want anyone to know or to be there.

He was sure about what he wanted.

The nurse was so sweet at the hospital when we went in today.

It was a shock for both of us.

Now dad will be letting others know.

Love mom