Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Still lots of snow and very cold and icy.
I am very fearful of walking but try to walk around the block.  The funny thing is I fall getting out of the chair in too big a hurry.  Just pulled a few muscles so nothing major.  I thought I heard dad fall so I rushed out my chair to see if he was okay.  He had not fallen and was not a happy camper to find me lying on the floor looking and feeling very foolish.

Today I am saving my energy to go to the store as we are getting low of a lot of things.  Dad is not feeling too good either although we are trying to do the right things.  I thought I was getting better but today everything seems like an effort.  Our bodies seem to have a mind of their own so I guess we are not listening.

Yes we can order groceries and many have offered to go to the store for us, but I feel it is important to keep making efforts.  It is the same with my computer it keeps telling me there are errors, errors and more errors.  It may decide to turn off any moment.

I am just amazed and how kind people are, not only our family but many others.
I believe that most humans are by nature kind hearted and feel it is a privilege to help others.
Kindness is simple and is often spontaneous.

Our actions become more meaningful based on love and caring and compassion.


nancy-Lou said...
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beth bennett said...

Sorry I missed it.