Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I was awake very early, wide awake listening.  I realized it was an intense spiritual listening.
I stared at the cycling for awhile and then at the clock  and tried to pray until I realized I needed to wake up and take out some of my old prayers from my Chaplin days.

Thank you Lord for walking with us with Your unconditional love and gentle spirit.

God of life and death,
We know that one life ends and another begins.
There is always hope that comes from feeling Your touch Lord.
Our goodness lives on in the hearts of our loved ones and our friends
Your heart includes every one and the amazing thing is You never stop leave us or forsake us.
Even in times of despair and sickness You are there.
We all have times of uncertainty.
We suffer the pain of loss and emptiness but
knowing my prayers help to bring others comfort as I have
experienced comfort.

I am wide awake praying for all who I know are having a difficult time.

"Be still and know I am God." is what I hear in the stillness.


Sandra said...

I was wide awake from 12:30 till 4 am this morning. Very annoying, and makes for a very long day at work.

I am lining up contractors, but still no cabinets ordered. I am trying my best, but just want to make sure before I go ahead.

I did not pray while I was awake, though I always think of you and dad when I am lying there, wonder how you are doing. So if thinking of someone counts at a semi prayer then I do it.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra
I think every thought is like a prayer so thanks for thinking of us.

It is not good when you do not sleep but you have a lot of decisions
to make. Very courageous too!

I am waiting for the dr's office to mail out my blood form to see if
my iron is more like it should be. I phoned the office and she was a day
late sending it out. I wish I had just gone and got it. My mail man has been delivering the wrong mail to our house so annoying. I just took another letter over to our neighbor.

Dad's stomach is better so hope that continues. We had planed to go out today
but did not except day sawed off some branches that had broken with the snow in them. The butterfly tree which as skinny branches.

Hope you sleep better tonight. All will be well I feel.

Love mom