Friday, January 27, 2017


Now is the time to start feeling better and I am!   I am thankful to be feeling better and better

Now is the time  I need to get back walking more and further.  I meet a group of about 30 ladies on my walk and I laugh to myself because the numbers will slowly but surely decline.

Now it was time to have a visit with Joyce but when dad and I arrived we leaned  she had been taken to hospitable that morning.  Now was not the time for us to visit there but to wait for more information.  I am thankful she has family.

Now is the time for me to do some deeper reading of scripture.  I will start with the book of John.  Reading bits here and there can be confusing.

Now is the time to enjoy my favorite things in life which is laughing at the silly things that go wrong in a day!

Now it is time for bed for me.


Sandra said...

I decided while I was lying there wide awake last night that it is now time for me to start dragging my heels to slow down time.

The grandkids are just growing up too fast, soon there will be no babies, no toddlers.

Randy brother had talked to their dad last week and I guess he all of a sudden wants to drag him into a care facility. Got kind of mad at Randy for not agreeing to force the issue.

Randy thinks that the reason Doug will not leave Sarnia now is that is where Mary died and in a way he does not want to leave her. Any place he moves to now she will have ever lived there with him. We humans are such funny people, and our minds are hard to fathom.

Making plans for the summer, going to get some flights booked today hopefully.

If I get out of the house today I will stop by. Have to catch up on some work I was not able to do last Friday.


nancy-Lou said...

Now never knows what awaits us, do they?

GREAT news to hear that you are feeling better and better! The iron infusions must be working Beth
Now you will be filled with vim and they say. Ready for good walks too...wonderful news.

I am often cold too and have an electric blanket on my bed. I turn it on about a half hour before I go to bed and it warms it up. I usually turn it off when I go to bed...but sometimes awake cold in the night and turn it on for a while. You can buy an electric blanket which has two controls so your hubby doesn't have to turn his side on if he doesn't want to.

Isn't it awful when some family member want to push their elderly parent into a home when they aren't ready. There is so much help available these days to keep people living in their homes.
But I guess eventually we all have to face it, a long day away!
A friend of mine's father was living in squalor....mice running all over his house...droppings on the counters etc...dirty Depends all over the place...finally he ran off the road and the RCMP took his licence and he is moving to an apartment in the city...he was falling all over the place his adult kids are moving him to an apartment in the city. He is a stubborn old cuss and very angry at them all.

Myb goodness that is too bad you friend Joyce wasn't there either. I hope she is OK. Sending hugs regarding the loss of your friend, Don. It will take a while to get over that shock and loss.

Have a wonderful Saturday....I am house cleaning art or piano lessons...everyone is curling in the Ladies Bonspiel. I will go and watch some curling later today.

Love and hugs,