Wednesday, January 18, 2017


.Dizziness....this is a result of iron over-load and should pass soon.  I get another blood test next week.

I did go for a good walk still being very careful.  The fresh air is wonderful.

Dad did the shopping today which was a great help. 

Our friends Pat and John came by for a visit.  They always like to be up-dated on the news from Colebrook. I was reminded of the important role the church has played in all my life and I believe even though I am not all that active there is a silent support I may not know about but I can feel.  We surround each other with prayer and encouragement often with random acts of kindness.

Sandra do not take in any rescue parrots because they can be trouble makers.  Saying wrong words at the wrong time and teasing the other animals in the house.  This parrot named Sara steals bones and toys and rips things apart.

Dad goes to the prostate doctor to-morrow and he may have to make a decision because the P.S.A. is climbing. 

We are a great pair but at least we have each other! 


nancy-Lou said...

Good morning Beth. Sorry to hear that you are dizzy from the iron infusions. Your body must be absorbing it. Do you have more energy and strength? Be careful, when you are dizzy, you don't want to have a fall.
Good for you having a good walk. I am glad to hear you are walking further. You must be feeling stronger.

How wonderful to have the support of your friends at church, as well as others who drop by.

My friend has a parrot, named Abbey and he is such a lot of fun. He doesn't cause any problems at all. She has taught him to sing quite a few songs and on my birthday he phones me and sings me Happy Birthday. They can be noisy though. She also had two budgies, but they have passed on.
She has a special room for him.
I like canaries and have had a few over the years. I haven't had one for quite a while and would like to get another one. My friend has one, who is a wonderful singer. They names him "Bud Lite".

Sorry to hear Larry is having prostate problems. Carl had prostate surgery last March. He recovered quickly from it. He is having a day surgery procedure at the hospital on Tuesday for bladder cancer. They zap away the tumours. It is a low grade type of cancer.

There was a sighting of a cougar here about a month ago. It is fairly common to hear of them in our area. I carry bear spray when out walking, but not really concerned because there hasn't been any attacks on people by any wild animals over the 70 plus years I have been here.
Well with one exception, when a fisher was killing a man's cat, he tried to chase it off and it turned on him and chased him into his house. It hit the door with a thud.

Have a great day today...hope the dizziness abates and you are able to have a good walk.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy.

Hope all goes well with Carl.

Take care.

Love beth