Monday, January 2, 2017


The view Carol and I had as we travelled to the ferry to pick up Kim.  The cold makes for beautiful sunsets.

Dad and I did not make it shopping yesterday as we need to do a bit more planning.  First dad has to eat bigger means and more often and include the right foods.  A macaroni lunch and some work that dad needed to do on the computer and a mystery novel that I wanted to read led us astray.

Icicles certain remind me of my childhood and puting it in my mouth and having it stuck on my tougne and how that hurt.  You just had to be patient and let it melt before removing it.  They are sure beautiful.  The snow is melting but will freeze again at night time.


Sandra said...

Two posts in one day? It is very pretty with all this snow, but I still do not like it. I hope it does not snow again on the weekend like they are saying.

Back to work for me today.


beth bennett said...

I did not mean to post the second one but has having computer problems.

Hope the drive goes well I know you know how to drive in this white stuff.

Remind me to give you your Christmas present.

We hope to do shopping today.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra said more snow on the weekend? Oh gosh you sure are having an awful winter out there. Glad that we aren't going to the Island for a couple of months like we used to do! Driving through the mountains in winter isn't easy, especially when there is lots of snow. We have seen quite a few serious accidents over the years. We started going in 1988 and didn't miss a year until 2011.Usually renting a house around Parksville, Qualicum Beach area. We stayed for Jan/Feb. Sometimes into March as well. I do miss it very much.

I am going to start work on a commission piece. I am using a photo of the Manigotogan River as resource material. The colours are rather dull...late fall, but the composition is very nice so I will use my imagination to make it interesting...what do they call that? hmmmm oh yes, artistic licence!

I hope the grocery shopping goes well. It can be tiring.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy