Sunday, January 29, 2017


It was pouring rain as we drove to the church confident that we were both feeling good.  I myself am feeling more alive with renewed energy.  Dad has been doing better but as the service was nearing a close dad could feel the stomach cramping that meant he would have to head home quickly.  Yes we made it in time.  He feels upset because he has been doing so much better.

In the church year this season is called Epiphany a time to see things in a new light,
"Time to open our hearts to receive the grace of God."

A time for worship aware that we might be called by the light of Christ
led by the Spirit and filled with the love of God.  A simple truth filled with hopefulness
and compassion.  The inside world put right by the words of Christ.  Just what I was thinking about.
Some times it is a struggle to see the way forward but I believe one receives strength when you need it.  It was good to be with all the familiar faces and feel loved.

We enjoyed a visit with Carol and Panteli and Haiti.  She comes racing in the door to look for us in the kitchen but not finding us there she raises up the stairs and back down into the kitchen again.  We had to call her name to tell her we were in the living room.  Sh was so funny.

Rick phoned while they were here and we had a conference call.
He is on blood pressure medicine, the trouble is you have to stand in line out in the cold to be able to see the doctor in the clinic.  He did talk to him on the phone but a visit would be better.

"In the midst of hatred, there is love,
In the mist of violence there is peace,
In the midst of hopelessness, there is hope.
In the midst of death there is life
In the midst of darkness there is light
and the darkness will not overcome it."

Each day I hope I can put my faith into action
here at home or with people I meet.

My heart was touch by the living presence hidden from sight but felt in the heart!


nancy-Lou said...

I can hear "the bounce in your step" Beth, in your writings! How wonderful to have more energy.

Now if Larry can get over that darn bout of stomach troubles.....I was wondering if maybe he caught a bug when he was in the hospital? Did it start then? You can pick up a bug and it will last for months. Maybe the doctor should take a sample and have it checked at the lab. I know of someone who had this happen.

I am feeling so sad about the bombing of the Muslim temple in Montreal. It will stir up a lot of hatred on both has to wonder what the world is coming too. I am shocked at what Trump is getting away with in the stupid are the people? How can they let him get away with these things? I wonder if he is the antichrist?

I had to cancel my surgery appointment this morning...the highways are pure ice after a night of freezing rain. It is snowing now. The surgery was just for a lesion on my nose and a plastic surgeon was going to do it. I really feel badly about cancelling....but that is what happens when you live so far away from the city. They will re-schedule.

I do hope I can put my faith into action as well Beth.

I loved the story about Haiti looking for you all over the house! Aren't dog just the best? We love our little dogs so much too. They make us smile and laugh every day.

It is going to be another great day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It is a good thing I was not all that confident that there was a party at Carol and Panteli's. We had gone out to Lowes to look for somethings for our kitchen and then I called to see if there was a party going on or not.

We got a lot of work done and Randy is happily installing his in ceiling surround sound now that it has been taken down.

Sounds like it is about to get cold again for a bit, did you ever find a comforter?
We have one we are not using right now if you want to borrow it.


Unknown said...

l am not feeling the greatest to day as l have to go for an ultra sound which is not an unpleasant procedure .but managing the huge amount of water l have to drink can be problematic . .and l am concerned about what may be found.thank-you for your spiritual messages Beth l try to live my faith but don't feel l do very well. Nancy lou l do appreciate your thoughtful writingiwhich iis a window into your life and Sandra you amaze me with all that you accomplish. We were out in surrey for a family Brunch family at Milestones at Guildford. with grand children Kamryn and Mitchel. on the weekend. My how Guildford has grown!.ldo miss our Colebrook church family.but appreciate our new found friends at WCUC.Hope your day will be good . much love, Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Jane, thank-you for the kind comments.I will keep you in my prayers for a good outcome to the test. It isn't much fun to drink all that liquid that is for sure! Peaceful and healing prayers for you.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Jane you do not have to drink all that water.

I could not do it and they said it was fine.

One glass of water sends me to the bathroom now.

Do hope the results are good.

Always a worry whether we ty to live by faith or not.

I also will pray for you.

Love beth