Friday, January 13, 2017


The huge mountain of snow at Sandra's house.
Hard to believe people are not cleaning off their sidewalks.
Still looks and feels like our winter.

Dad and I were very happy to be invited over for lunch.  We were both feeling good.  Lunch was chicken pot pie made with gluten free crusts.  A real treat!  Dad tried both the pies with and without the gluten.  Good to see him eating more.  I agree with Sandra that he has to make any effort to eat more.

We had a good visit and got caught up with family news.

A special treat to see Lincoln at the skating rink with his baby brother and mom and dad.  As a hockey mom and wife I have spent a lot of time at the hockey rink.  The hot chocolate was a must treat!

The sports have changed but we are very proud of all our grand children and love to watch in their different activities.

Our emotions are a big part of who we are and trying to be honest about our feelings is important.  I realize that others do not always understand me but that is okay.  I do not always understand myself.

This all adds up to the good life with diverse personalities and opinions that are created as we live in relationship with one another.

This all adds up to the good life!  !  !


Sandra said...

Thanks for coming over. I just tried to do the pie crust with a regular recipe, might have been better if I found a gluten free recipe.

I did not get a nap in, the phone rang and then my cell kept bleeping and stuff. Should have turned the sound off.

Randy went to work and was told he HAS to go to work in maintenance. He is very upset about it as he will make less money and of course we are spending a lot right now on the kitchen.

I know he does not like it, but I will enjoy 3 months of knowing when he is working and that he will be home very night and every weekend. He is still fighting to not have to do it, so we will see.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, poor Randy being forced to do a job that he doesn't like. i hope there is a union and they will stand behind him, so he keeps his old job.
Sandra I use my Mothers old pie crust recipe. It is called the "never fail pie crust" and it always turns out well and tasted the best according to my 'tasters'.

That is a mountain of snow at Sandra's. Do they live further out in the valley? It is still very cold here and my little bird, the white throated sparrow must have died...he has 't been here since the blizzard. I tried so hard to catch him and give him a home until the springtime.

Yes, we too, did the hockey thing with our sons. Many early mornings on the weekends and cold nights standing outdoors at the rink. One of our sons was in the triple A league and they got to play indoors..but the other little guy played in the house league outdoors.
Later when we moved here from the city 41 years ago they formed a men's league and played in Pine Falls against about 8 teams who were from various towns here. Some of the reserves had teams too. Lots of fun.

Beth, I am so glad you are eating very healthy foods.. that is a wonderful gift to give yourself. I love spinach and poached eggs...MMMMM also love spinach wilted in the frying pan with garlic and parmesean cheese....add in fresh mushrooms and it is heaven...yes it is heaven!

Well I have to get busy, my piano student will soon be here for her hour lesson ( she is an advanced student ) and then I have a three hour art class. It is a watercolour painting today, and I am resisting the urge to paint in acrylics with bolder colours. Only because one of y student doesn't have acrylic paints.

Have a great day today,
Love, Nancy