Monday, January 23, 2017


A beautiful sunny day with no clouds in sight but I was disappointed in the length of my walk.  Dad on the other hand did some work on the car and went for a bike ride and visited Don again.  They are reviewing his case on Friday.  Doctors like to cure people and it is difficult to end life although I believe it can happen in B.C.  A counselor from Hospice was asked to come and see him.  His only brother  has passed away and other than that he has a cousin who has visited him.

I did some work in the garden and had a visit with Linda my neighbor.  She said Real Estate is picking up and they are hoping to get 800.0

Whether it is fixing the car or working in the garden we need the right tools.

I have found that we also need tools to help us understand the Bible or else we are just sticking our head in the sand and ignoring the difficult parts.  We cannot ignore the brutality and oppressive teaching and violent behavior in the Old Testament.  Jesus got under the skin of the religious teachers because he opposed these teachings.

" Was Jesus rejecting bits of the Bible or dismissing immature, over-simplified and legalistic understandings and applications of it's ancient text.  If look at as a journey of a people away from violence to discover the true nature of God who is love."  -Steve Chalke

One of the tools I use is to judge the Bible is
by the words and message of Jesus.

Did he allow a woman to be stoned to death or the Sabbath to be used in unloving ways.  As a Christian I have to continue to look at my motivation for doing what seems like good.



nancy-Lou said...

It is sad to hear of people who don't have many friends or family when they reach their senior years. I guess some have chosen that way of life and it doesn't worry them, but others really regret some of the choices they made in their lifetime.
Hospice sounds like a good choice for Don, where he will receive the loving attention her deserves
Larry, you and Beth are so kind to folks who need help.

I have two friends who chose not to have children and now they are 70 and alone. Very alone. Their friends have either passed away or don't live close by. They have become introverted and not easy to talk to anymore, because they are so focused on themselves.

It snowed quite a bit overnight and the highways and city roads were not good. Por visibility, ice covered with snow on we cancelled Carl's procedure. Didn't want to do it....but we would have to travel in the dark most of the way there too. So it will be re-scheduled.

tools....yes, I too need the right tools. One of the most important is good watercolour paper. Something that my new students find difficult to understand....because it is expensive! $28 a sheet...but it can be cut into quarter sheets if they want.

Well I am off to do some laundry....have a great day,

Love, Nancy


beth bennett said...

Nancy I woke up very early thinking about your driving and I am glad you did not go.

Cleaned out my frig. which is something Kim always checks for us.

Now will have a rest and try for a short walk.

Glad you are keeping clean ha ha
Love beth