Monday, January 16, 2017


I have been thinking about our church and one of the best thing about attending church is the friendships I have made there.  It is not easy to make friends in our lives today.  My neighbors are friendly and helpful but we do not have what I would call a personal relationship.  I have not been too involved in the Future Ministry because I trusted others to value this part of being a church community.  I think that many things will change as our congregation ages and faces up to what to do next.  It is easy to see the negative but have we really looked deeply into alternatives.  One thing it would be good to do is to use our building more to be a outreach to the community.

This morning I was up early and woke up dad saying "okay let's get it over with early".  Not me he said and he pulled the covers up over his head.  "Well I am going to walk over and you can drive when you feel like it but do not forget no breakfast".

Yes, we were both going for blood tests and now will process the results.  Evidently my iron level is sky high because I am not absorbing it.  I wish I felt like I had more energy but after getting my hair cut and going visiting I was exhausted as usual.  I like to think if I keep going I will be able to keep going.  Happy to have got things done!

I guess I have not turned into an iron bionic woman!

My mind has been very much thinking about friendships that have been an anchor for my soul. 

My values are my love of family, friends, of life and of God. 


Sandra said...

Yes church is a great way to make friends . Still thinking of ways to get my self out there. At least I still do my Pilates.

Did you make the apoinnment with the naturpath yet.


nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, what about watercolour classes for beginners? You get to meet new folks and learn something that have a feeling you would be good at. Just wish you lived nearby and could join my next class. You have a great appreciation for art and are excellent with colours.

Friends...well living in a small community where there are lots of relatives...we aren't short on friends and have quite a few relatives and friends drop by the house anytime. Out here, folk don't call ahead..just come, which is fine with us. The door is always open and the coffee on.
I would really miss them if we had to move away. Just today, I had troubles with the car when driving home..a squeeling and had to go to a couple of garages on the way home. Ken, an employee before Carl retired came and fixed it...just like that!
I had visions of being stranded on the highway again...but it worked out.

I m pretty sure that something like calcium or some other supplement binds to iron and causes it not to be absorbed by the body. There is also a supplement that aids in it being absorbed.
Darn it, I was hoping the iron infusion would make you feel like a million $$$$$.

The highway was closed due to a serious accident. An SUV t-boned and semi truck and went right under it. One of the first repsonders there said there wasn't much left of the SUV. I had to take a detour on farm roads. Good thing it wasn't melting or they would be a mess. I was thinking, "but for the grace of God" as they this poor person left home this morning, was driving to work and was killed. WOW. Sure makes you think of how life can be snuffed out in a few seconds.

Well I wish you a good Tuesday,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Back to work for me today. That three weeks went quickly. There is some new info on PPI or Pariet tablets. They may cause gastro in elderly. Also can lead to a magnesium deficiency. No magnesium leads to jumpy leg syndrome. Keep an eye out for Magnesium cream and try it on Dads legs. Too much oral magnesium can lead to diarrea. j
The study's for PPI is very limited. I have been on them for 10 years now. I have a feeling that there be more side affects that we don't know about.
Have a google.


beth bennett said...

Yes Ken Dad is concerned about them.
If I do not take my pill I am very nauseated.
No I have not gone to the naturalpath yet wanted
to see the results of my test.
Love mom