Sunday, January 22, 2017


Too bad the mountains do not show up. 

There was a lovely sun rise again this morning before the day turned dull and dreary.

Dad and I did not get to church nor to the birthday party nor to Carol and Panteli's for supper.

Carol came and took us to the hospital and Don was extremely happy to see her and appreciated her talking to the nurse about hospice.  We are not sure just what will be happening.  Don looked bright but very thin and his voice very low so it was hard to hear him.

Dad volunteered that I would pray for him.  I joked that it looked like he would get into heaven before us.  He has a good sense of humor so that is good.  My prayer for him was to feel the love of God and Jesus who accepted him just as he was.  My picture of heaven is an open door waiting for us and from this door there radiates a beautiful light. 

The thing about the human condition is that it cannot always be explained or understood so death is an even greater mystery.  The fact that he said yes to my praying for him meant to me he was open to the spiritual dimension that is available to us all.

Talking about doors when we tried to open our front door it was not working.  After several tries it decided we were bad people and no way would it open.  It has a code and we were getting cold and desperate when it finally unlocked.  This is when you are sorry the house is so well burglar proofed.

When we arrived home and after a rest got ready to attend Yuri's 7th birthday party the car made a horrible noise as we drove down the street.  We returned home and dad had a look.  A bolt was missing and it was not safe to drive.

I am reminded that it is by grace that we are saved or welcomed into heaven not by our good works or feelings of entitlement. 

It was a comfort and a blessing to have Carol go with us.  She thought she had met Don before and she told him she remembered him.

Dad plans to go again on Monday but it depends if the car is driveable.

I keep thing of the song Stairway to Heaven!


Sandra said...

NO, I did not find a hat for Ophelia, just wrapped a scarf around her head.

Dad made is sound like Don was going to get his assisted death today, but you make it sound like he is moving somewhere else for palliative care.

Had a nice fire last night and I was able to cook some chicken and pasta in the midst of the chaos that is our lives at the moment.


nancy-Lou said...

Sometimes the best laid plans are changed for things that are more important. How sad that your friend, Don,is passing on. But how blessed he is to have good friends, like you and Larry to help him along the journey. Your words were so comforting Beth and I am sure they gave him solace.
Does he have family to help as well?You and Larry are such good folks...always helping those who need it.

Do they have assisted death in BC? I am sure if I were suffering and dying as my daughter in law was, I would choose it.

That must have been frustrating for you to not be able to get in your door. Glad you were able to get in.

We called the doctor's office today to let them know that we may not make it to the scheduled day surgery tomorrow...we will try our best, but the highways were very bad today with a lot of cars in the ditches. Hopefully they will be sanded and salted by then.

I finished my commission piece of the Manigotogan River and sent it to the lady who gave me the photo to paint. There is never an obilgation to purchase....the painting has to "sing" to them.
This is a tough month for us seniors, with such a long period between cheques...five and one half weeks. I painted it as a demo for my two teens who are advanced in their skills now and they painted it with me. They did very well...I will post their photos on facebook once they send them to me.

Well the housework is calling me...and I am lazy today, but have to get crackin'.

Have a lovely day today, Beth,

Love, Nancy