Thursday, January 26, 2017


Yes it was a big shock to go to the hospital and find some one else in Don's room.  It was sad we did not say a final good-bye but it was what Don wanted.  So much is unknown about the last hours of some ones life but evidently there can be a sense there is another world.  I have read about the tunnel and a bright light but the amazing thing is the love of a higher power that seems to surround them and be waiting for them.  I do not know a part of ourselves does not die, well that is my opinion.

Love is the guiding light that heals and sets us free and I hope and pray that is what Don experienced.

Don was a unique person and had his own way of living his life and also ending it.

The way we have lived may effect.  A very evil person may experience pain that he made others suffer.  This known by those who have returned to life and changed their lives.

Dad had his shot today and even though it is a big needle it hurt the doctor more than it did him.

We went shopping for a comforter but I was not in the mood and did not make the best choice.  We went to an unknown store that was based in Montreal and a lot of things were in French.

I picked up some branches and dead leaves etc. but we need to buy more brown bags.

Dad and I are both tired to-night and ready for an early bed time too.

Dad was a good friend


nancy-Lou said...

Good morning, Beth. My goodness that would be a shock to walk into your friend's hospital room and find someone else there. My condolences on losing a friend, but I am happy for Don, to be released from his pain, as he wanted. I takes a lot of courage to make that decision. Fly high, Don!

You have a gift for words Beth and the ones you wrote about the end of life and the guiding light were lovely.

I too, believe that our soul lives on ...whether it be as a reincarnated being or something beyond our understanding. I do believe in the higher power. When I think about it we are just such a small part to this a grain of sand in a desert....and our lives here are so short.

The Lebanese poet Kahil Gibran wrote these lovely words about death

For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing. but to free the breath from it's restless tides that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then hall you truly dance.

I am taking the commission piece for the lady to see today. She really liked the photo and I think she will purchase it. It will be hard to part with this one, for some strange reason. I have sold many paintings over the last 30 years and they were pretty easy to part with, but this one speaks to me. I will make some prints and keep one for me. I will give a print to the photographer as I promised and give her credit for the photo on the back of the painting.

Well time to make Carl breakfast, he isn't feeling well today,

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I am sorry Carl is not feeling well.
He sure has a lot to cope with.
I would think it is hard to give away your paintings
even when they commissioned.

Don's death still does not seem real to us.
and we feel very sad.

Thank you for the quotes. amazing.

love beth

Sandra said...

Sorry to hear you had a bit of a shock not finding Don there. Shopping is no fun when you do not feel like it. Have you been cold lately that you are shopping for a comforter?

Not sure if I mentioned, Alice Parsons died a week ago. She was on life support at the end Stephen said, I guess Joan was having a hard time letting go.


beth bennett said...

Our minister's husband has also passed away.

Letting go is very hard.

Alice was a kind hearted person and I liked her.

Yes I am very cold in bed.

I would be worried if I was getting old
love mom