Sunday, January 8, 2017


Dad and I had a very restful day, well especially me.  I had a very long afternoon nap and I know that it did me a world of good.

We did go to church but it was an effort.  It was good to see the new minister.  I think we are going to like him.  I was very pleased the way he talked with the young children.  It is up to the congregation to also make an effort to welcome him.  It has not been easy with all the different ministers but our church is full of capable people who carry the load of keeping things going.

Carol invited us over for lunch but it was kind of her but I know I was just too tired.

Love inspires us
challenges us
and changes our lives in
immeasurable ways.

It was a day to just enjoy the quiet restful moments
and thankful over and over again for our loving family.



Sandra said...

Oh, so you have a full time minister now? No more talk of the church closing down?

Mandi and James did not stay long, just an hour and a half. They were surprised to see how much snow we have since in the city there is very little.

Randy liked his movie, and I wore earplugs the whole time so it was bearable for me. All the deep base sounds that are so loud makes my chest feel very uncomfortable...wish they would not have it so loud.

Randy is on afternoons for the week it looks like, so Peanut will be home with him and not a day care. She will get an extra walk every day at least though, as Randy walks her before leaving.


nancy-Lou said...

What a pretty photo. Is this your cup and saucer and flowers and book, Beth? Lovely. All the things I love too. Tea, books and flowers.
I have quite a few fine china cups etc that my Mom and Great Aunt had and they just sit in my china cabinet. I don't think anyone will want them after I am gone. Sad really, because they all have a memory for me.

Good for you, having a long nap and a restful day!

Do you feel the iron infusions have helped you, Beth? Did you say you have received a second infusion?

I have an appointment with the dentist for another root canal on the same tooth, for tomorrow morning. It is going to start snowing soon and snow right through until noon tomorrow so I hope I can make it there. It is an hour's drive one way. I have to go because it is an appointment that is an hour long and he isn't charging me for it. It is because I have had repreated infections...(abcsesses )hmmmm that is a lot of SSSSS. oh well, you know what I mean!

How is Larry doing? Are his feet still giving him a lot of pain? I hope not.

Well I am off to do some housework,

Wishing you a great day,

Love, nancy