Thursday, January 12, 2017


The shade is not fitting well but hey the little lights in the bottom are on and so is the big light.

Today I was trying to make sure I am eating healthy.  I guess fruits and vegetables but what about protein and iron?  Of course there are many different opinions about what is healthy.  Fat used to be considered bad but not any more.  I start with a healthy breakfast usually an egg with spinach and my brown rice toast.

Haiti came for a visit today and I had a good walk with her.  Still some icy spots where I had to go very slowly.   The sun shine made the effort so enjoyable and I wished I had taken my camera.

I am also trying to be healthy inside my heart and soul.  I know that a part of this is the enjoyment of nature in all it's beauty.  I also think that taking time to rest and relax is important more than rushing around trying to fix a broken world.  There are things that I am responsible for which contributes to healthy relationships.  It is important to say yes to life but also to say no at times too.

"In our fixation with keeping busy and keeping rules that we may think is appeasing God we are in danger of losing one of the fundamental keys to a healthy soul: that of rest and relaxation and taking time just to enjoy His Presence." 

 A healthy soul enjoys rest and relaxation which has been the opposite of what we have been taught. 


nancy-Lou said...

Well, well, would you look at the smartie, Mr. Fixit! What a delightful lamp with the light bulbs inside. Well done, Larry. Beth, maybe you can hire him out as a "husband for hire", he is so handy.
I think a square shade would suit it, a larger one that what you have now.

How nice of Kim to bring Haiti over for a visit often. Dogs are such great companions. I love mine so much. Max and Bella were frantically barking at the deer on the other side of the window and Max fell off the couch and hurt his leg. I was consoling him and Bella was whimpering....she was so concerned. They are so close...she washes his ears every day...and often sleep together and have a wonderful time chasing each other on the paths I shovelled in the back yard. They stand up and wrestle each other and they the chase is on. Sometimes Bella doubles back and gets Max from funny...but too cold for me to stay out long to watch!

I went out to feed the birds and a doe came right up to me and she was sooo cold. She had a frosty head and was shivering and stamping her feet to get warm. I don't normally feed the deer, but gave her a pile of sunflower seeds....I could have patted her, but resisted, and then a can full of mixed nuts, which she relished with glee! -34 is a biting cold.

We talked to Haitham, our pharmacist and he had several bad scares driving out from Winnipeg to Fort Alexander where his pharmacy is located. He said he couldn't see a thing many times....I am so glad he is OK because he is such a nice person and has four young daughters and a wife. He takes his work very seriously....I am crocheting some stuffed animals and bunny slippers for his daughters. There also is a pattern for a pussy cat hat that is adorable and I will make some too. Lots of time to do that while I watch the curling over the next two months or so.

I wish you a good day and hope it warms up there too. It is supposed to be almost 0 next week, but we will see! That will mean icy it is a catch 22 situation. Cold or ice.

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Just a quick can buy a new harp for the lampshade to sit on, if the old one is bent!

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy
Good suggestions.
I think I gave Haiti too many doggie treats as she got very hyper.
I let her have a run at the park and she will run back and forth is
I have treats.
Nice to have a visit with Carol in the morning when she dropped
Haiti off and a visit with Kim when she picked her up.

The squirrels like to eat our bird food but the birds are smart they
come first thing in the morning.

Cold here for us. Thankful people have cleaned the sidewalk off around our block.

You are very creative and thoughtful I think.

Have a warm day.

Love beth