Sunday, January 15, 2017


                                     The path to the park is very dangerous.

The sunny half of the park where the snow is melting.

Dad and I went to church today but he had to leave early.  Dad liked the new minister who seems like a man with a good sense of humor which is important when trying to live out what you believe.   stayed for a meeting after our short service.  There was a lot of facts presented to make us realize that our church can continue.  Our numbers are dwindling and the majority are older seniors.  A lot of the functions we used to put on we cancelled this year due to lack of support.  Of course the same group of workers can not continue to do all the work.

We give money to missions but also to

Doubters can be changed into believers when we put our effort into keeping a on going effort to come up with some new ideas.  We are a group of very loving and caring souls.  We collect food for the food bank and clothes for families in need.    We collect money for famine and earth quake relief etc.  The community always takes part on our big rummage sale. 

I know that spiritually I feel inspired when I come together with other believers, a source of strength and endurance during times of trails and sickness.  We care for one another by being good listeners as well as being faithful by praying for each other.

"Love does not just make good sermons but love is something you live and walk and talk."  -
Judah Smith

Love can transform doubters into believers!


Sandra said...

So are there new ideas suggested for the church to keep it going?

Worked on getting my temporary kitchen set up yesterday. Got some cupboards emptied and lots moved upstairs.

A friend came by at night with a cat that was being thrown out as the owner had died and no one was willing to take care of it. He is a big boy and so far is just hiding under the bed. I will leave him alone for today.


Steady-as-rain said...

I suppose Colebrook is unlikely to survive much longer. Very sad but I wonder if there is any purpose in resisting the inevitable much longer? (I suppose that makes me a doubter? :) )

I have to go to Williams Lake today for work.



nancy-Lou said...

It is sad to read about the struggles that Colebrook church is having. They are much the same as out little church, here at VB. The numbers have dwindled and the minister retired and the church is being run be a few very dedicated parishers. The same scene is being played out through North America. Oddly enough the evangelist churches seem to thrive.

Can you imagine someone 'throwing out the cat" because the owner died? I bet they were there to get their share of the estate. I wish more people would write stipulations in their will regarding their pets and their aftercare. This happens far too often. Thank goodness for people like Sandra who help the pets in need and rehome them. Love ya, Sandra!

I am on instagram and recently posted a photo of the half finished painting I painted on Saturday. It is a commission piece. The rumbling river is next and will be a challenge, with small rapids....but I relish challenges! Manigotogan is such a beautiful is about 100 kms north of here.
By boat, as Carl's Grandfather, Michael ATeah, traveled up to the reserves to trade isn't that far, by the lake, but by road it is much farther.
The river empties into Lake Winnipeg and there is a reserve just north of there called Hollow Water. We used to go up there for baseball tournaments and it was a lot of fun. We packed a picnic lunch and stopped along the Manigotogan River to eat. Fond memories.

Sorry to hear Larry is having troubles and had to leave early from sure and have it looked into by your doctor, Larry. Take care.

It is an awesome day here, much warmer...maybe too warm tomorrow....we always are leary when it warms up to near zero due to melting and then it freezes when it gets cold and there is alot of ice. Also freezing rain and a snow storm usually follow along. We in MB would rather it remain colder, as strange as that sounds!

I wish you a great day,
Love, Nancy

PS, be careful on those icy walks

Unknown said...

Just heard the weather forecast for the next few days and it sounds as if we are going to get our more normal temperatures back so your walk to the park should be a lot easier. Your weather sounds as if it could be horrendous Nancy l just cannot imagine dealing with the changes l think hibernation would be my choice if it were possible.
l am so pleased that Colebrook has a supportive minister to help the congregation through yet another difficult time of decision making. We need more loving communities not less . much love , Jane.

beth bennett said...

Yes it is now pouring rain and I am sure it will be another messy drive for people to-morrow.

Thank you all for commenting.

Love Beth