Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I studied this before I took the picture but it is funny looking.

The last few days have been cloudy and cold.  I have regressed in my walking which annoys me.

So today is a new day and I am looking forward to our Bible study group of intelligence, funny and interesting friends.  Bible study has made my life feel more significant as I try to discover what that means from a spiritual point of view.  What are my values that I am passionate about and how can I share them? We have lots of different opinions but we are not dogmatic!

In our time the Bible has lost it's meaning and influence over our lives and what has been found our go-substitutes.  A well crafted story is an amazing tool for getting our point across and especially when one goes back time and time again and finds new truth.

The Quakers have a beautiful saying "an enemy is one whose story we have not heard."

"The more we give ourselves-in genuine love of God. of family and friends and others-the more we become our true selves."  Steve Chalke

Our lives have meaning and significance!

Our lesson today is about the power of prayer and the significance of the spirit of Jesus in our hearts and prayer.  If I focus on his love instead of the problem something will change, either me or the situation.!


Sandra said...

So important to feel that one has some significance in the world. It is why I volunteer for the animal shelter. It may not be much but it makes it just a little bit easier for the workers there knowing they have a safe place to transfer pregnant moms and kittens.

Slept better, right up till 3 am!

Glad to hear dad is doing better.


beth bennett said...

Yes that is very significant as well as your present in our lives and the lives of Randy and your children and grandchildren. Keep up the good work!
I have to take dad's prescription for his eye drops over before my study.

Cold and dreary!

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I had my prostate ultra sound. All ok.

beth bennett said...

That is good news Ken.

I hope you had a Happy Aussie Day maybe with a Barbiecue.

Love mom