Thursday, May 11, 2017


Young people remind me to keep dancing and having fun!

"The soul a vessel is
a special bosom to contain
all the fair treasures of His bliss
which run like rivers from, into the main,
and all it doth receive returns again.

An inward heavenly love
which in my soul doth work and move."
-Thomas Traherne

The spiritual dance of life includes the joy of movement and the glory of light and love!
A celebration!

Today dad and I enjoy the spring tea at the church.  What amazing ladies they are who prepare everything so beautifully and delight to wait on us with delightful smiles and dancing eyes.

Did the disciples of Jesus dance?
They were Jewish so I would say Yes!

Listen for the music.
All nature sings
dance the dance of faith!


Sandra said...

No dancing at our house, but Randy got home early last night so we went for a nice leisurely stroll around the neighborhood. There was no rain (unlike right now, it is POURING outside my window here at work) and when there is no wind the sound from the highway does not travel over to us and so nice and quiet. We let Peanut run around off leash and she likes sniffing everyone. We never did evening walks with Lucy because she was so grumpy.

I am hoping to get some serious digging in this weekend. Dr Nolte told me to give my shoulder a work out and see how it holds up.


nancy-Lou said...

Dancing....awe I can see the love between Kim and Haiti. That is so cute. Were they dancing to the Tennessee Waltz?

Did the church have a strawberry tea? I am glad to hear that Larry is feeling some better and doing more things. that is good news!

The funeral for Carl's cousin, Fred David is tomorrow at our church and the reception is at the Senior's Scene. He was 91, but I know there will be a lot of people at the funeral because the Ateah family is so large. Fred's mother was Sophie Ateah/David. Carl's Father's sister.
he lived a very good life. Was able to retire while in his late thirties when he made a lot of money on his mink farm. He pelted out and lived a life full of fun and sports. he played hockey until he was in his seventies. They lived here in Victoria Beach until about 5 years ago when their house became to much for them and they moved to a retirement home.

I am teaching piano after school today and having our sons for need to be really organized. Pizza, home fries and salad.

Wasn't that a wonderful thing that Oliver and his friends did..they saved those dogs from drowning. very brave of them and I am so glad that nothing bad happened to them. I didn't know he was stationed up in Hay River NWT. I guess they get to go all over when in the Coast Guard. An interesting career.

Nature sure does sing. I love to listen to the wind going through the trees and think of it as the trees singing. it was because of the Jack Pine trees growing here at Victoria Beach that the first Ateah's built their home. The wind going through the jack pines reminded them of the Cedars in Lebanon. That would be Carl's grandparents, Michael and Sophia Ateah.
did you know that they only knew each other for a couple of weeks before they were married?
YIKES! Well they must have got along quite well when they had 12 children!

I wish you a wonderful evening. too bad the Edmonton Oilers lost the series...but we will watch the Blue Jays and they are doing a lot better even with 5 injured players.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No Nancy this was a spring tea where they invite especially shut ins etc,

Larry played hockey till 75 I think

We just heard about Oliver today. Friends saw it on the news
but we did not.

We will continue to watch hockey!

Love beth