Sunday, May 21, 2017


                              It seems to me that some people are just born with self-confidence.
Others of us have experienced moments when we doubt ourselves and start worrying.
I was concerned about reading the scripture  I say to myself
          am I crazy?
          I do not walk too good
          I do not talk as well as I used to?
          There will be unpronounceable word I am sure.
Yes, these are my friends and they will not know if it is pronounced wrong.

I wanted to do it to be supportive of our minister Daniel.  And of course I was glad I had done it when it was over.  One lady said I was an inspiration and that made me feel good.

There were people there from the head office of the church judging Daniel which would be stressful
He did well and  there was a good turn out to say good-bye.

Dad did not make it to church as his eyes were very sore and there was no way he was going to get ready on time least of all a freq  minutes early.

He had a busy morning while I was gone cutting the grass and digging up the dirt to put down the rubber squares.

It is good to feel confident  which comes from being your authentic self and not let doubt or fear take over.  I am thankful that I can smile with my teeth back in place.

"Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic."
-Rosalind Russell.


larry bennett said...

I told you - youwould do great!

nancy-Lou said...

How courageous and brave you are Beth! You may have some talking and walking...but you were a shining example for others, that they too, can achieve whatever they want to. Very inspiring and I am sure the reading was too.

Sad to hear that the minister has depression. It is so debilitating. I had a student who suffered from depression and nothing could bring her out of it except councelling and her doctor. She is a teacher and a lovely person. I hope Daniel is able to receive the help he needs and overcome it as this lady did.

This has been such a cold weekend. It is raining as well and i think the weather has scared the cottagers, to go home. They were out in droves....on Saturday...long line ups at the stores and gas station. Not that I went out with this bloody pressure bandage on my nose. Looks awful. Also the large cut on my neck thst is stitched. But tomorrow the nose bandage comes off and all they leave on is the steri tape until it falls off. Same as the stitches. The surgeon will check it tomorrow.

The Whipperwill is back singing his heart out a 9:40 each evening. How blessed we are to be able to sit on the deck and listen to him. He has been here since the beginning of time....generations of him, I guess.

The budgies can create quite a lot of noise! They are almost always singing and it is a comforting sound until the loud chirp starts or the scolding.but they don't do that often. My friend has a larger cage and is going to give it to me..which is so nice of her.
I let the three birds out while I clean their cage and now they are becoming expert fliers. It is getting hard to catch them. They don't know how to get in their cage again...just. Sit on top of it. I have a ramp for them and hope they learn soon. I caught the two females without a lot of trouble, but the yellow male led me on a merry chase all around my studio until he got pooped was I!
I may clip their wings...will ask our vet about it.

Doesn't Sandra's new front garden look nice. She did such s good job of making the curving lines. I am sure she will have.ots of fun selecting plants and shrubs for it. Nice too, that the kitty and dog are part of it.

Well it is lunch time and the boss is looking hungry. Have a wonderful Queens Birthday today.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

So good of you to write I hope all heals up well

Larry had skin cancer on his nose and his eye lid.

With the eye he had two black eyes.

We are now having lovely warm weather so nice to be out in the yard.

Sandra and Randy do a great job.
They invited us out to breakfast before going to do the plant shopping.

I did not know birds could be such fun.

Praying for you two!
Love beth.