Thursday, May 4, 2017


The doors are open and we can sit and have lunch just like we are outside.  It was a perfect day so warm and sunny.  Dad decided it was warm enough to do some work outside and he did more than I did,  He fixed the hose and got the two ponds working.  I hope those naughty raccoons do not create a problem with the hoses.

I worked mainly in the back yard and it was looking very sad and the grass scraggly and uneven.  I cleaned up the outdoor furniture but it looks like some may not be fixable.

Dad's feet have been extra sore which is very draining for him.
I was amazed he was able to carry the chair in by himself.
My balance is not good but I manage to keep on the straight and narrow.

After we did some shopping at Shoppers Drug Mart we had toast and ice cream.
 A good day for ice cream.  The evening brought a cool wind and rain.
Then we watched Star Wars a very religious show about darkness and evil,
beauty and the beasts.
A mystery of family dysfunction and disharmony
yet the strength of love and courage.

Yes the word continues to be a battle place.

Yes a savior is needed to restore truth and peace.

"What ever strength is needed to face our destiny and fulfill our destiny and live out our dreams will find us.  We will continue to grow,"  -unknown


Sandra said...

Randy will be very happy to hear you watched star wars.

beth bennett said...

Randy adds a lot to our family.

Rainy today.

Love mom