Friday, May 5, 2017


I am almost glad it is raining and I do not need to be out in the garden.  Things are filling in well so that is good.  Time to put on the old rain jacket and feel the fresh air and the raindrops on my face.
A slow longer walk (I am slow as molasses) but I am glad to get home but happy I went.

Dad and I went to vote but the rest o our plans did not fall into place.  We stopped at an art gallery , called the Watershed Artworks, and the machine that did are purchase was not working.  An hour later it found out that we had indeed payed (yes we bought a painting).  My visit to the Senior's home was cancelled.  Dad had some thing painful in his eye and I was starving.

  No one except the doctor's office phoned with an appointment for a bone density test, and a lower back scan.  One in May and one in June.

Another exciting night of hockey with Edmonton playing.

Religion who needs it?

What is it?
Something you believe?
Something you experience?
Something that cannot be questioned?
Some thing that can be used for good or for evil?
What has influenced changes over the years?
The Bible has been the foundation of my faith but I
realize that I realize the human element in the writings.
We all interpret words differently so it is important to read and study for yourself.
Scripture and   reason and tradition all all a part of  religion.

How do we see the church in this particular place and time.

I see it as a support that reaches out to others in need that does a better job than I can do.

A place to learn the story of a history of faith that has the power to convert the lost from a meaningless life to one with direction and purpose.

I am thankful for my church and for the many other places of worship where I have found friendship and blessings!

We came home in the falling rain wanting to get rested up to our big day, a Really Big Day,
to-morrow.  I think it is to-morrow.


nancy-Lou said...

Your title for today's blog post makes me think of the song, "Raindrops keep falling on my head"!
Well there is no sign of any rain here and I think we actually do need some. Not that I am complaining...the weather has been so beautiful. Sunny and warm. The roads here are very dry and very dusty. You don't want to follow behind a vehicle or you would want to go home and have a shower and wash you car.

I am getting ready for the workshop always is more work when I teach somewhere else..I have to pack up a lot of things and be sure not to forget things. Also take my lunch.
Looking forward to it.

I am having plastic surgery on my nose on Monday for the basal cell cancer and it involves having a skin graft too. so my friend, Susan is going to drive me in to the city. I am very grateful to her for doing that. Our sons are working and it is hard to get the time off. So I will have to wear that round red ball that Carl keeps teasing me about on my nose for a while to cover up the mess. hahaha like a clown's nose!

That is a lovely photo of a plant or shrub on this blog Beth...such pretty colours.

Well i am going to toodle off now and get ready for tomorrow

Have a wonderful evening and a good sleep too,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy exciting weekend. It is fun to teach what you love doing to others,

That does not sound good having surgery on your nose.

Where will they take the skin craft from.

Today is the day for Star Wars Fun!

Love beth