Saturday, May 13, 2017


                          First the mail came with a card and loving words written by our son Rick.

Then came some hand delivered flowers from daughter Sandra.  They have a special place in the sun and will bring beauty into our day when we step out the door.

Then came a phone call from Carol catching up on my daily life, asking also about Jane.  Jane is in a healing process right now staying with her daughter Susan.  Thank you Carol for all the thoughtful things you have done for me!

Then came the gardeners who cleaned up dead leaves and overgrown grass.
Dad and I appreciate all the help we have had with our garden.  Thanks Carol and Sandra too!

Mother's day has always been a special day for me.  It seems a long time ago when it was breakfast in bed and hand made cards from school.

I could not have picked a better more wonderful mother than mime.  

I could not have picked better children than my four!

Memories mean so much to me now.  Even though in the last years of my mother's life she was bedridden with a stroke and unable to speak or move.  I choose to remember sitting by her bed and seeing her looking at me with loving eyes.  She seemed to continue to choose to live until her time came to complete her role as a mother.  I was truly blessed.

She taught me that life can be painful but it is still a gift to be celebrated in spite of her inability and loneliness.  All we can try to do is do our best not to hurt others with our words or actions, but when we do asking for forgiveness to helps relationships grow stronger.  Love requires forgiveness and grace,

There is a way of being that speaks in the silence of holiness.

Lord open our eyes to reflect on the gift of life that our mothers gave to us.

Lord let there be moments when in the silence you speak and fills our hearts with thankfulness and wonder and love.  

I can only try to express the love I received from my mother to all my family.

They are a true blessing.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!


Sandra said...

I keep meaning to ask you to measure your bedroom and then I will go order your carpet.

Happy Mothers Day. I am glad that you had a good mom and she taught you well.

Love Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Reflections....I sure don't know where you come up with the great titles and ideas for your blogs, Beth, but you do a great job.

You have received some lovely cards, phone calls and gifts for Mothers day....well deserved!

We do reflect back to our Mothers on this day don't we? How wonderful for you to have a Mother who taught you well and you passed that down to your children.
My Mom made sure I had all the things i needed as a child, she sewed clothes for me, braided my hair every day and cooked wonderful meals, but it was my dad who was the nurturer. Who read me the bedtime stories and bought me special things.

I posted a photo of Carl's Mother today because she was like a Mom to me. I was married quite young and didn't have a clue about looking after children, cooking or keeping a home and she taught me all I needed to know and more. Such a kind and patient lady. Loved her a lot and still miss having tea with her every afternoon and watched the soap story together.

I had a bad fall today when we were BBqing. A workman left a board on the deck unscrewed and I fell through up to my hip...lucky I just got scrapes and my tail bone is sore. I gave our sons a good scare though...calling for help. the carrots I took off the BBQ went all over the deck so we didn't have them for supper. later I picked them up and threw them out for the deer....they will eat them. or the bunnies.

so another Mother's Day comes and goes.....I wonder what you did with your family today? I will wait for your blog tomorrow to read all about it.

Have a lovely evening and the Blue Jays won another game is a good day,

Love. nancy