Sunday, May 7, 2017


From the moment we rang the door bell and the music of star wars greeted us the drama began.
Lots of great costumes and strange looking characters met me at every corner of the house.  Sandra and Randy did an amazing job of decorating and bringing the story to life.  I should have taken a picture of the little guy who talked in the living room answering questions.  I do not know his name.  He has big ears.

Randy even had a microphone to make scary noises.
Theresa and Morgan made their own costumes, very good work!
There he is again handing out food!
James and Many, Randy's daughter.
Rick and Panteli battle it out as to whose costumes is best.
Even the neighbors got involved.
The park across from Sandra and Randy's is the perfect spot to end our fun day.

Sandra is in the red.
The cat was not impressed.

But I was extremely impressed.  The day turned out lovely and sunny so the Force was with us.
The food was gluten free and delicious.  Sandra is an amazing cook and hostess.  Randy was in great form telling us how he made his costume and his trip to the convention.

The day ended with a video of Star Wars.  It was getting past our bed time so dad and I left with Panteli.  Haiti would be waiting for a walk.  

Lots of drama and interesting stories were shared.


nancy-Lou said...

That just looks like such a fun party! What a great idea for family and friends to get together. too often these days, those things just don't happen. Good for you, Sandra and Randy and for the rest of the folks who dressed up too.

Great photos of all the characters Beth. I don't know the first thing about the movie...but it sure looks like everyone had a good time.

The watercolour class went really well. Most of the artists who came were from an hour i really appreciated them driving all that way. One of the ladies brought us snacks and they were awesome and very much appreciated because I didn't have lunch.

I have to tell you some more about my budgies, Beth. they are just so darned cute and really developing characters now.

I think they are getting quite used to being let out of the cage in my studio where they can explore.
One of them is comical. she is the turquoise blue one and she is curious about everything. The other two were less adventuresome...mainly staying on the window ledge.

I don't think they were let out of the cage often and they are very clumsy fliers...crashing into things and doing big skids when they land on my computer desk which is glass.

But the blue one, who name is Lady, really checked out my cd's. She tried biting many of them and tried to squash in between where there was a little room and she tried hanging upside down and biting them...then she found a couple of screws and a bracket from shelving and kept picking up the screws.....she is a character.

After supper I thought I should catch them and put them in the cage and Lady was already in the cage.....yay! I caught Tweety by the tail and the green one I had to chase around until she got tired. they are safe now and sound asleep from their adventures.

I made a pineapple upside down cake for dessert and it was very popular. Our son, Bob came and had supper with us and it is his favourite as it is his Dad's too.

It was another beautiful day...warm and sunny. We are so blessed.

A childhood friend of mine ( a close one ) wrote me today to say she is coming to Winnipeg in the july and wants to get together. she lives in Ottawa. she has had stage 4 lung cancer for a year and a half and is doing pretty well with the treatments. We pray for a good result from her pet scan in early June and she will be able to fly to Winnipeg. We haven't seen each other since i was 57 years ago. I know there will be tears for both of us. We have been friends on facebook for 4 years now.

Well enough of my prattling on....I wish you a wonderful evening,

talk soon,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sounds like you and your budgies were having a hilarious time.

Larry's mom got a budgie after he left home.

They had a robin that came back every year to show off his family.

Watched the hockey and the show about Canada.

Another day has flown by!


Sandra said...

Thank you for coming and dressing up on Saturday. Sorry I did not spend time with you or even get to say good bye. I got trapped up stairs with the kittens and my neighbor Kirsten, I could not get a word in to say we should get back down.

I am very glad it is over and done!

It was a lovely day yesterday, did you get to church? Do some gardening? How are dads feet?


beth bennett said...

It was a delightful day.

Dad was already in the car with Panteli when
I said good-bye. I do not know where Rick was either.
I said good-bye to Randy, Theresa and Morgan.
I think Mandy was getting changed.

Yes we went to church.
A lot of people seemed to be missing.

Dad's feet are bad but it is good for him to get out.

It will take a while for you two to get rested up.

Did your get your nails off.

I should have taken a picture.

Love mom