Saturday, May 20, 2017

TRIVIA June 21

Both our brains and our bodies are worn out today.
Good to have a sunny warm day.
I had a short walk before going to the store to get our bill corrected.  Evidently they did not realize we were seniors because we did not get the senior's discount.  They were very pleased we had come back in.

I felt very much like a senior when I could not climb up on a chair to hang our new picture up.  I even tried using a cane.  Pant and John dropped by and said I should get an electric step ladder to keep up with dad's electric bike.

Good to have a chat and a laugh with this active couple who had been bike riding as a change from gardening.

They had heard about our minister not being well enough to continue his duties as our minister. 
I feel sad for him and for our congregation.  There will now be a search for a replacement.  It is not an easy job especially trying to preach an upbeat sermon and then talk to everyone afterwards.

We all have our God-given gifts and when we use them to the best of our ability we are a gift to others.  Life is a process of discovering how best to do this,

I will be taking part of the service to-morrow reading the scripture and I hope I can do it with heart and soul put into it.

Yes, I am reminded that these words I will read are important and can even be life changing.

when I cry for help
when my heart is overwhelmed
Lead me Lord to the towering rock of safety.
Psalm 61:2

Yes, He is like a rock, a fortress and our strength, our healer and rescuer.
Yes He is on our side and I know that I do not need to face sickness or weakness of failure alone!

The best kind of trivia!   


Sandra said...

The pastor is not going to stay?

Randy and I are both very tired and sore from a long day working in the yard. We went out to a movie tonight, that was his reward for helping me.


Client Strengths said...

What store did you go to to get the discount? You always have so much news to tell Mom. Good luck today reading the scripture.

Steady-as-rain said...

Sorry the Weslyn quadralateral Minister won't be staying on. I quite liked him.



beth bennett said...

Carol it was Shoppers Drug Mart
Seniors day.

Yes Rick Daniel is very like able
but he suffers from depression and
the job was too much for him.

Our church is having a hard time with ministers.

He did a good job today and he left feeling appreciated.

Dad working hard again today.

Love mom