Friday, May 19, 2017


Dad drove me to go visiting and then we went to the store(I cannot remember the name) I think Home Depot to buy his blocks.

Arriving at the Home Joyce's room was empty and that always upsetting.  Fortuneteller the new lady I met across the hall could tell me she was moved to another place.  It would have been nice if the family had let me know.  At this point I do not know for sure where she is because the girl at the desk could not tell me.

We arrived home with very empty stomachs but a full frig.

The house was not empty as Kim was here to have a visit and a rest before soccer.  She rescued a dish cloth from the burning oven. I think we have to be more careful and coming home tired and hungry and a little disappointed because it is an effort for me to go, is not a good idea.

Running on empty is not good if you are driving a car
or for me physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Going to church helps and prayer helps and reading about the experiences of others helps.


Client Strengths said...

Aaah Mom, that's so sad that the lady's room was empty, that she was moved and you didn't know. Must have been a sad moment. I'm glad Kim was over to cheer you guys up .... and rescue the dish rag.
Can't wait to be home and see you on May 27th.
love you

beth bennett said...

Yes Carol,
It is something I should expect but yet never do.

We will try not to burn the house down before you get here.

I have an appointment at the Patterson Clinic for a bone density

at 12:30. We are anxious to see you so you may want to come here.

Let us know what will be best.

Love mom

Sandra said...

I called and you did not answer, I hope that means you are just out about doing your usual busy social life stuff.

Randy has taken the next two days off so we can work in the garden, drop by if you want to check it out.


nancy-Lou said...

Gosh that must have given you quite a start to find Joyce gone. I was thinking you could ask the lady at the desk if she could forward your phone number to Joyce's family so they could let you know where she is.
You are so kind and caring to go visiting even when you don't feel up to it. That is going above and beyond the call of duty Beth. I do admire you so for your caring for others.

I am so glad you have Kim there, who pops in and helps out. Especially when the dish cloth is on fire! Yikes! Glad all is well at the Bennets house.
I guess Kim is finished her second year at university..she must be working full time now? Our Granddaughter is at the same place. Just finished second year of Engineering and is working for the MB government. They call it a co-op working experience. She is 23.

I sure hope this MOHs surgery for the basal cell cancer works. There has been quite a bit of bleeding and the gauze pressure dressing is looking mighty ugly with an inch of dried blood around the bottom. It is stitched in place so cannot come off and be replaced. I have to walk around looking awful until Tuesday when I see Dr. Petropolis...the plastic surgeon . I don't answer the door and don't go out. Looks awful. On my nose...Carl has to answer the door and go to the store.

The little wren returned today and was singing his heart out at 5am. So nice to hear. I repaired one of the wren houses and hung it up and within a half hour he was there turfing out last year's bedding etc. The male comes first and does some house cleaning readying for Jennies arrival .

We have a red fox who patrols through our yard daily. Last night I could hear him barking at dusk. Far back in the Ateah homestead land.
There also is a beautiful silver fox with a magnificent brush that is black with a white tip he also has a black muzzle. Very handsome fella.

With the abundance od foxes we have lots of rabbits. I always toss out left over salad things as well as vegetables....on the grass where I can enjoy watching from the kitchen bay window. Today a gopher was having lunch on the lettuce. All critters are welcome here.

Nature is amazing isn't it?

Well I will be early to bed tonight after a busy day. Probably too use because the surgery started to leak a bit of blood again so I will try and take it easy tomorrow. Maybe paint.

It is so nice to read your blog Beth and to read the comments as well. You sure have a loving family.

Love, Nancy