Friday, May 19, 2017


A warm day perfect for dad to put down new rubber squares.  Haiti will be surprised with no grass to dig up.  It will look very neat and we think safe for children.  They are heavy and it is hard work so not surprising his feet are hurting but he is pleased at his progress so far.

I had a much quieter day doing a bit of gardening and a bit of house work.

Dad came in and spent the afternoon doing his Sudoku puzzle and completed the evil level and was very pleased with that.  Hard work must be good for the brain!

Travelling back to the beginning of the Bible we read about lives in some ways so different than ours but yet with so many of the same emotions.  They were superstitious and lived in fear of other tribes, and of nature and of God.

Moving ahead to the true story of Hannah Moore, 1745 - 1833 who was a devout Christian yet she believed that the poor were born into their class and were to carry out the duties of their class.

She supported William Wilberforce in his movement to abolish slavery.  His passion affected her to see the lives of the poor in a new light.  She would establish schools because she believed lack of education was a problem.

She wrote a book The Shepherd of Salisbury Place to provide solace and comfort and inspiration to the poor.

She would show compassion to everyone she met. of whatever rank or station they held.  She invited Buddhists and Muslims into her home to share her faith and to learn about theirs.

And from the best of her writings an authentic and radiant devotion still shine.

Our faith needs to continually be examine in the light of new truth!


Sandra said...

So you spent the day excessing your mind and bodies.

We are just doing bodies today. I am on my break but have to go back and shovel the 4 yards of dirt I got delivered.


Anonymous said...

I woke just in time for the start of the hockey game. go Ducks. Very tiring week 5 early shifts. Five days off now. Melina still not 100% the kids missed 4 days of school. They , Jasmine, was better by Thursday but Melina was too sick to drive and I was at work. Today is Sunday , cool with showers. Maybe the dogs will drag us around the block😬🐾🐾

beth bennett said...

Sorry Ken to hear the family has not been well
and you must be exhausted with all those early shifts.

Our health is so important.
But it can seem like a battle some times eh!

Enjoying my new lotions good for body and soul!

Thanks again.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I just looked out the window and the sunset is so re-enforces the wonder and awe that one has in how amazing our planet earth really is and how there has to be a higher being who created all this.
The Beach is full of cottagers this weekend and I am sure some will be down at the beach watching the sunset. Lots of oranges and purples.

those new pads that Larry is putting down look really interesting for places where it is difficult to grow grass. Are you planning on doing the whole back yard with them?

Yes, sorry to hear that Ken's family have been ill too. I guess it is their late fall season and colds etc are everywhere. Get better soon.

There were so many people driving down Ateah Rd. in front of our house today and many of them were speeding...really fast and the dust was flying all over. One of our neighbours who has little children put out a sign asking them to slow down...which didn't work.

I finally had enough and called out local police and they patrolled a few times. i hope they wrote up tickets. Some of the locals call the city seems as soon as they start coming out here we have people dumping old couches and garbage and old dressers on the streets at night instead of taking them to the garbage dump.
Then we have these people who travel at such excessive speeds down our roads....I know, not all city people are citiots...but things are so peaceful out here until they arrive....grumble grumble! It seems to be especially bad this spring.

My nose looks awful still, with all the dried blood on the gauze pressure bandage and I am hiding in the house! Today I saw a woman coming in and ran upstairs and Carl called me to come down...which i didn't want to do, but she came upstairs and it was my very good friend Gina, who I hadn't seen is quite a while. She is a nurse and as she says, I have seen it all" so I was happy to visit with her. Tuesday cannot come early enough and I get this darned thing off my nose! And cleaned up, have a shower, wash my hair....none of which i can do until then!

But the good news is gardening time!n yay..finally the weather has warmed up. I am chomping at the bit to get planting but cannot go to the greenhouses. But I worked in the yard. Fixing up all the wren houses and hanging them in strategic places. Got the hoses out because the lake water has been turned on. But it is really cold....I guess because the ice just left!

I am glad you got out for a walk Beth and were over at the store. Our Value village has 30% off on Tuesdays for seniors. That is pretty good!

Well have a nice evening,
Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Good to see Dad out working! Will the raccoons like it?

