Thursday, May 25, 2017


It is harder for us to escape from Laurel Place where Joyce is now living.  She was tucked away in a corner by the window and it was harder than ever for her to stay awake.  We were given a code to open the steal gate to go in but we did not know the code to get out.  Maybe the lady that opened the gate was kidding but she said she was not sure we should be escaping.

Dad and I visited Joyce and Margaret and they were both delighted to see us.  The hard part was the long was the long walk on two different floors.

Dad again worked hard in the back yard and it looked great when Kim came to visit.  This is her soccer night.  In some ways it seems like just yesterday she was coaching Ken's little soccer buddies.
They chased the ball all around the field and also outside of the field.  Great fun!

Both dad and I had a very hard time staying awake watching the hockey game even though it was exciting.  We took turns nodding off.

We are excited to see Carol when she arrives, not Friday at midnight, but on Sat.

"Rivers hardly ever run in a straight line
Rivers are willing to take ten thousand meanders
and enjoy every one.
and grow from everyone.
When rivers meet an obstacle
they merely go around it."  -James  Freeman

I can hardly keep my eyes open 
and finding the right keys to push is even harder!


Sandra said...

Good thing if you are tired you can sleep in. Though, it is so hard when the sun is up and the birds are singing to stay in bed.
The kittens have now started to come down stairs so it takes longer to round them up for bed time.

I have my eye on some plants behind the fence where the house is going to get torn down, will wait till tomorrow when there are not so many cars driving by when I find a way to break in.


beth bennett said...

Well Sandra the hardest thing for me to do is sleep in.
Stupid but once I am awake I might as well get up.

Your idea of sneaking to get plants seems to be a part of
a long lost memories of me doing something like that but maybe
it is just a dream. Have fun.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

TO Bad the SENS lost . I watched the Gordie Howe story on the local Native TV channel . Matthew has a sore ear . I HAVE TWO MORE EARLY SHIFTS 3AM START... UGHHH