Monday, May 29, 2017


                                          You have to be tough to eat out when it is cool,

I think I have been too serious lately.

I was up early with the birds and the bees and the black and white cat who proles the neighborhood.

I watered all the flowers wondering how Sandra does it all and then cut the grass and pulled some weeds.  So I felt hot.  Come on dad I said let us eat on the patio.

I gathered up some clothes to wear checking pockets as I went to throw stuff in the machine.  Well, I missed the one pocket that had dad's wallet in.  Yes, so I am laundering money again.  Naturally dad was upset but I was tough and did not let it bother me.  Two credit cards went missing but I said we can always get new ones.  Right.  But I did find them up on top of the inside of the dryer.

Tough is what you have to be if you are growing old.

My lunch  went down alright but then wanted to come back up.  Dad went over and did the shopping for groceries.  Yes he got cake and cookies and potato chips as well as eggs and bread and butter and coffee.

The amazing good news is that even as I grow older I can find renewed inner strength that helps toughen me up.

Now to watch hockey a very tough sport.  Dad in his favorite chair up close1


Sandra said...

So true, as we get older I am finding that you may lose strength in your body but you have to toughen up in so many other ways.

How do I do it? I get up very early, and just start right away and keep going till I have to run out the door. It is nice to be able to get outside after work now and do some puttering as well.

The new kitten we got is not very fond of being told it is bed time and can be tough to catch, so I wait till I see him starting to close his eyes and quickly grab him. There is no kitty litter in down stairs for them so it is important they wake up in their room.


beth bennett said...

Good for you Sandra.

We are both up early that is for sure.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

oh oh....I bet you weren't very popular when Larry found out about the credit cards etc.
I think you had better watch out because the police may get on to you with all these episodes of laundering money...i mean, one you may get away with, but multiple offences....well look out!
I have done that too, money in pockets has gone through the washer and drier as well. oh well, just as long as the machines still work, that is what counts!

We were up at 5 am yesterday and left at 6am. Carl had day surgery for bladder cancer. He has it every few months where they burn off the tumors. this time there only were two and they were smaller so that was good news.

I left the dressing off my nose this morning. Today is day 15 and I am so tired of wearing this huge ugly bandage over my nose. The skin graft looks so ugly, but they say it is I am very thankful for that. I don't want to have to go through that again.
The donor site on my neck healed quite well....they do what is called a skin flap technique where they took the donor skin from. the dissolving stitches are itchy and coming out now.
I have a call in to the plastic surgeon's nurse to see if I can leave the dressing off now...but I doubt it. I will listen to her advice. It is a large graft...about an inch and a half round.

Haha larry shops like a true man...some of the essentials, but lots of goodies! Carl likes goodies too. I often bake, but this past week has been too busy so we bought him goodies yesterday. Muffins and cookies.

Love, nancy