Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Nature is always inspiring!
Our study group met today to put together some gift bags for single moms.  We like to some thing with the inspiration we receive from studying together.  We also collect food for the food bank and supply diapers for the little ones.  We have fun no matter what we are doing.  Dad invited Ev to lunch with us when she drove me home.  She is a interesting person and dad enjoys getting to know her too.
Her husband Reg. has passed away and she is involved in our refugee family who are still waiting to come.  Her life is also an inspiration for me.

I was inspired reading about one of the early religious writers, Thomas Traherne born in 1637 and died in 1674.  He had written several books but the one he is famous for was being thrown out from a second hand book store and he becomes one of the great poets of his era,  The book was called Centuries of Meditations.  A second book he wrote was rescued from a burning rubbish pile.

He is amazing as his life was a time of deprivation and turmoil in his youth and he grew up in a time of plagues and civil war and religious polemics. The love of God underlies all he wrote.  

"God is present in love"

"When a human soul loves, it enjoys the contemplation of its own being and delightfully communicates the goodness of God to others."

"When a soul loves a glorious spirit abides within
a glorious spirit flows as in a stream
it attaineth  all the unattainable in the wonder of all Creation"

He firmly believes we are born into this world to find happiness,

Kim has dropped off Haiti and we had a walk to the park.

Ben is having an interview with the coaches.  
Theresa phoned us on the way.

A very inspiring day


Steady-as-rain said...

I had not heard of this fellow Treherne before. Are you reading a book by him, or a book about him?

This morning I couldn't remember if I took my high blood pressure pill, so I didn't take again (or maybe not at all). I figured it would be better to skip once rather than take a double dose. Tomorrow morning I will be more careful.

The birds are back here. Very active.



Anonymous said...

Matthew completed test number 4 of NAPLAN( national student testing ) today . Thats how they rate the schools on their Natplan SCORES . I am on late shifts todayand tomorrow .I called in sick on WEDNESDAY because we have no baby siter as Nonna cant drive post caterack surgury. I am happy the ducks beat Edmonton , its good to follow someone you know , even if its second hand.
HOpe all is well

beth bennett said...

Ken, Good for Mathew you must be proud of them both
and actually the whole gang.

You probably needed a day off.

Dad is becoming more active now so that is good.

He is putting in more rubber squares to cover the grass,
and they are very heavy.

I do a little gardening at a time and I cut the grass
and I walk done to the lady who stops the school traffic and I go too.

Doing good.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Dear Rick,
I turn my pills up side down before I take them
because it is hard to remember. I only have two.

Thomas Traherne is in a book about Anglican writers and preachers. He was know as a champion of felicity. and is known more for his poetry than for preaching.

Considering the times he lived in and his past experiences you would think he would have been
more like Job. Although he did have a short time of doubt, "Perhaps his early experiences of adversity had taught him to seek felicity elsewhere than in arguments."

How amazing his books were rescued and two more were found.

Love mom