Tuesday, May 2, 2017

WISE May 2nd

What a shock when we returned home from the Wise's to find our back door wide open.  It blows open easily and that is why we have two locks on it but we had forgot to lock it. The first thought is has some one been in but there was no evidence so it must have been the wind.

I begin the day praying for wisdom to the Wise One who knows more than I do.  The answer will come during the day or the week or the month.  I find the answer in the message I hear at church, the words of family or friends, in books that I am reading and in scripture if I am willing to search and listen.

Dad and I went to the library where I picked up several serious books.
"The Seven Laws of the Learner"
"Five Centuries of Anglican Spirituality"
"Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church"

I will not read all of the words but a enough to learn some thing new!

I cannot remember all I hear of the sermon at church so I wisely try to write down a few thoughts and ideas.

A wise person will be careful in choosing friends that listen and care to be best buddies with.

We will wisely do a big shopping because it is 10% off today.  We will drive over and shop together. and make a list.

We are thankful to have some advice to pick wisely what we watch on Net Flicks.

A wise person lets go of the past and sees hope in the future.
A learner and a listener and a helper.


Sandra said...

I bet your heart dropped not knowing if a stranger had been rummaging around in your things. Other than tv's and computers we really do not have anything worth stealing.

Did you see on Facebook we rescued a dog last night, dads favorite breed, a pit bull. He was 120 lbs of solid muscle. Very intimidating to look at, but was super friendly and did not growl at Peanut at all. We saw him first running in the park and we thought he owner must be just behind a bit, but we kept walking that way and never ran into anyone. I told Randy if we saw the dog again we would have to catch him.

Found out that there is no Surrey animal control people working in the evening, that is why we ended up taking him to the vet, after many phone calls and even trying the woman I deal with in Delta.


nancy-Lou said...

That sure must have been a shock to see your back door open. I am glad that your house was burglarized. Do you have an alarm system? It should have alerted you to the door being open.

Sandra and Randy, you both are such good caring people for the animals in need. good for you taking the dog to the vets. I hope that he found his way home.

We were all set to go to the city...dressed in our city best and in the car...I turned the key on and click click click...so to make a long story short we called CAA....the car was boosted and driven to the garage and not only was the battery no good the alternator too.

Do you rent DVD's from the library as well as books? I have the app called Goodreads on my iPad and it connects you with friends who are reading as well as you can look up books and see what others recommend. A friend just read a book that appeals to me and I hope to be able to buy it when I go to Winnipeg....when we get our car back. It is called The Lost Garden and takes place in England during the war years. It is a mystery and combines some gardening info as well. Helen Humphries is the author. I thought it might appeal to you too Beth.

We had a beautiful red fox join us for lunch today. he had a magnificent brush and grey socks. He enjoyed some tomatoes and we shared out croissant with him. There was a bear around too, last night. We could see his shadow in our front yard, but didn't bother to turn on the light...we are used to bears etc. He went down a block or two and the local tow truck driver caught him trying to climb into his tow truck. I bet he had left some snacks in there. I hope the bear doesn't go to the cottage area, where the city folks panic and call the cops and they shoot them. it is really sad.

We love our beach and the permanent residents learn to live with nature and appreciate all it offers.
Some of the cottagers do too, but there are some who are disrespectful of what we have here.
We have garbage bins and re cycling bins at the gates....where you enter the cottage area. Someone left an old freezer full of rotten food there as well as old mattresses and old tables etc....rather than drive 5 kms to the dump.

The good thing is, modern technology has cameras there and we hope they are caught and fined.

Facebook sure lit up with comments from folks out here. I think they may have a lynching mob after them! No, just teasing...but isn't that an awful thing to do?

We live 6 months of the year with nothing like this happening and as soon as the weather turns nice....well you get the drift!

max has bad dental and gum disease and needs to have a dental done at the vets. his breath is stinky! poor guy. I am going to teach some art classes in order to save some money to have it done. it will likely be over a thousand dollars. it costs so much.

Well the beautiful day is calling...i will grab my cell phone and the bear guard and take the dogs for a nice walk.

Have a wonderful day. i hope it is nice and sunny there too and you can get our for a walk,

Love, nancy

nancy-Lou said...

oh oh WASN'T burglaraized not was....good grief Charlie BrownI should read the post before I post ot.

beth bennett said...

Nancy I knew what you meant to say.

I am not good at reading things over either.

We are not renting D.V.D.'s right now
but trying to find things on Net Flicks.

Sandra dad did not tell me about face book
I will look now.

Just watching hockey and a little of Blood Lines.
Not to crazy about the language.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes. we come from another generation where bad language was inappropriate. These days it is so common everywhere. Especially some of the movies and tv shows and I find it offensive and difficult to over look...but if the story line is good I try and stick it out!

We are watching the pitiful Blue Jays...who are at the bottom of their league...but getting better!

Haven't things changed a lot since we grew up? My goodness who would have ever thought things would be as they are today, when we were young?