Monday, May 22, 2017


Unknown to us while we were having brunch at the White Spot with Sandra and Randy Theresa Ben and Morgan were knocking at our front door.

Unknown to us they would arrive at the White Spot just after we left.

We were pleased they were able to drop in to have a short visit before taking Ben to the airport.  His soccer team is flying to Sweden and I hope he is able to get some rest.  He is very excited.  Morgan looks very cool with her green sunglasses.  We are excited about her dance recital on Sat.

It was a short but happy visit.
Yes that is Ben under there.

Love was the message on Sunday.
But there is a lot of unknown about this powerful emotion.

Unknown to our selves or to others may be the motive behind why do do certain things.  
We want to be loving but sometimes we can even feel annoyed at some one we love.

All relationships matter and it is good to know that God's love is always there for us because we choose to be in relationship with Him.  I believe He knows us better than we know ourselves.

"If you radiate genuine love and compassion you will ultimately receive love and compassion in return."  -Baptist De Pape


Sandra said...

Oh, I am so glad you got to see them all for a bit. I would have felt bad if it was because of us you did not get to see Ben before he left.

We did our running around, I planted more, went to the animal shelter, came home and tried to clean up a bit.

A very busy long weekend.


beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra,
It all worked out.

Theresa did not call ahead because she did not know how busy the traffic would be.

Dad did not have his cell phone which he always has.

Leah and Craig and Ophelia dropped by later so it was


Love mom