Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dad put in new light fixtures  and I decided it was time to get a new bedspread.  One thing leads to another and once the idea comes that things need to be changed we can be restless until it is done.

Two things come to mind, one, that what we do in our lives influences others around us and second when we face dull and drab days how we long for spring.  We are feeding the birds but there is no happy singing and it is missed.  The sun is lazy and slow to get up in the morning and affects our morning energy as I too am slow at moving and getting active.

We take so much in life for granted and do not miss things until they are taken from us.

Reading the story of Noah and the ark I realize that somethings have to die for new life to come.  This is the creative spirit of God who stirs within us a desire to create and restore.  Life is a struggle between the wanting of change and yet the desire for things to remain the same. 
 As human beings we are a strange lot of contradictions.  We do not always know what we want and can find ourselves dissatisfied with what we have.  The good thing is that life sometimes forces us to change and to see new hope for our future.  We cannot go back and so must go forward.  But it is not my responsibility to tell someone else how and when they need to change.

A wise nun once said : " The only time people accept advice is when they ask for it."  I would add that even then they may not accept it.

The hardest thing to really accept is that God can love us just as we are and He loves all those in our lives just as they are!  That is why His love is greater and higher than our earthly love!



Anonymous said...

I agree, just because some one asks for advice, does not meen that have any intentiion of listening. Not sure why your birds are so quiet, at my house it sure sounds like spring, they are singing all the time, I am sure they must know winter is over and that is why they are so happy.

beth bennett said...

I will have to start listening.

Anonymous said...

Happy Australia Day !!
I always get child raising advice weather I ask for it or not .

beth bennett said...

Yes that seems to be apart of being a parent and when it comes down to it we all parent differently.

Happy Aussie Day

love mom