Sunday, March 30, 2014


Pearls of wisdom feed the soul and the heart as well as the mind.

“Life is the ultimate spiritual teacher, we cannot learn unless we attend school.  This usually means allowing ourselves to be touched by life, to participate in it.  We learn by experience.  There are no spiritual shortcuts.-Ram Dass

Being a human being is not being unprofessional but recognizing that becoming vulnerable and learning  to live from the heart has the power to transform experience.
“We need to connect intimately to the life around us.”  -Rachael Naomi Remen, M.D.

“Eyes are homes of silent prayers.””  Alfred Lord Tennyson  I think this can be true of animals and children as well as adults, especially when words are too difficult to express.

“Unknown things scare more than known things.”  -G. Leopardi

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

God is the silent partner in all great enterprises.-Abe Lincoln

Baby kittens turn into mothers quicker than you would think!

Dad and I drove into White Rock yesterday to find a small gluten-free bakery run by two lovely young girls.  One herself a celiac.  We then drove to the beach to have a walk but the wind nearly blew us out to sea so just came home.   Actually I wanted to try some new bread and a cup cake!

Off to church and maybe go for a walk with dad in the forest if it does not rain.


Sandra said...

I did not get that much work done it the yard, I was soaked through in half an hour. So, how was the bread and cupcake? Sandra

beth bennett said...

They were excellent.

I do not think it was a day for being out in the yard either.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How were your gluten free bread and cupcakes, Beth? I find most of it tastes like cardboard. I like Kinninnick brand the best...they are not too bad.
I have a bread maker and think I will give it a whirl again. Did you ever try making gluten free bread in a bread maker?

Do you have any doctor's appointments coming up? I am sure they will help you to feel better!

We are bracing for a strong winter storm, which will arrive tonight and make tomorrow miserable.They are predicting over a foot of snow for southern looks as though we are on the northern edge and may not get as much. I was hoping this was an April fools joke..but unfortunately NOT!

How is your weather there? Has spring sprung?

Have a good Sunday, love, Nancy
I hope you are feeling stronger and able to go for a nice walk today.

Anonymous said...

Melina started work today. I got Matthew to school on time , and stayed for assembly. Tomorrow is grandparents day. Matthew is talking Nona I think. Melina is on shift work of course . So tomorrow she works 4pm till 8pm. I am off until Friday am shift. Very hot here today , 31c , about 8c hotter than the norm.... I will take Jasmine to kindy soon , she starts at 1pm , then will have two hours off before picking Matthew up,at 3:30.

beth bennett said...

Ken and Melina What a schedule!

Hope you keep well.

love mom