Saturday, July 12, 2014


Wholeness is gathering all you are, the good and bad, not regreting the past nor fearing the future being  free to be yourself. 
Be happy when you have found a safe "place" to be yourself!   Even for short periods of time. Then include others into this space where all are equal,
My morning walk begins being greeted by happy faces, the flowers and the human faces I meet.

The joys and sorrows of life all in a couple of days.  Tavia, one of Cathy's five, phone to tell she is engaged and getting married in August.  She is ecstatically happy.  She has done everything in a sensible manner which for her is unbelievable.  She is strong willed and very full of energy and drive and very involved in her church, playing the drums in the band.  We have met her young man as we were included in the list of those she wanted to approve.  Dad and I are very happy for them both.

Next we receive news that our very dearest friend Shirley is living out the last of her life in hospital in Burnaby.  She is 94 and she has earned her wings and is ready to fly on  I considered it a great honor to be able to hold her hand and pray a loving prayer over her spirit. 
She has touched many with her kindness and generosity to all.  She will leave us beautiful memories of the times we have spent together.  She loved going up in the plane with dad and sharing a cup of tea on my weekly visits.  She loved to travel  and she enjoyed life!

Dad and I had a long walk to find here way in the bottom floor at the farthest end and then a big walk back to the car.  So it was no wonder dad's feet were painful last night.

We drove home feeling very sad.  It was hard to say good-bye.

It was a real blessing Carol dropped by to see us after her visit with Susan and Sandra.  Her exciting news is she is starting the first steps to getting a flying license!  How cool is that!  She starts today.
Also she and Sandra will come and help with my out of control garden.  It is very warm here but thankfully cools off at night.

I pray that in the midst of sorrow Your comfort,  Lord,  will be there for all who need it.


Anonymous said...

Such a day of contrasts! I hope you can take it all in and absorb it.

Hope Dad's feet don't bother him too badly.



Sandra said...

All those emotions and the heat must have left you and dad very tired by the end of the day. I did a lot of jumping into the pool to cool off. I plan on coming over about 10. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

How kind of you are Larry to visit your friend Shirley as she continues on her journey home and to bring her comfort and caring.

WOW has it ever been hot in can keep it! I am enjoying the cooler temperatures we are having in Manitoba. The next few days are bringing very cool air...highs of 19C. It has been a slow summer for those in the service industry in the beaches area...too much rain and too cool.Even the greenhouses are left with too many plants...I really felt sorry for my friends who own one...they are stuck with a lot of plants. Cold springs have been the norm for a few ears now.

I am happy that you made it down to Boundry Park on your walk must be feeling stronger. That is great news!

Those long walks looking for people or offices are tiring for Carl too. He cannot walk far without getting tired and his legs are getting weaker. He is too heavy for me to push in a wheel chair.

I am going to paint our veranda must get busy. Have a great day, you two,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Shirley. Enjoy the hot weather while you can. It's freezing here. ( 8c this am ). Busy day at work today. Last day of school holidays here today. Baxk to school tomorrow morning. I am up,at 2M to go to work. At leas the I will be awake for the World Cup final , which begins at 5:30 am our time.

Theresa Rose said...

I am sorry to hear about your friend Shirley. That must be very hard.