Friday, December 19, 2014


Christmas is just plain weird.  What other time of the year do we sit  in front of a dead tree in our living room and eat candy out of our socks.

It certainly has become too materialistic and about everything being perfect and bigger and better.   For me it is about family and fun and games and stories!

Weird things have happened to me.  Dad and I were held captive in a mall by a lively, beautiful young girl in a Santa elf hat who dragged us aside to sell us a product to make our hands beautiful and our skin perfect. 
She did a good job because she sold us stuff I did not really want or need.
 But it was crazy fun!

This was just after we had left the Stroke Prevention Clinic where we had also been held captive by a waiting time of over two hours.  We could put up with that, but it was the back to our car to prevent getting a parking ticket that was the problem. (The clinic was in a huge basement area which one needed a goggle map to get out of but we succeeded after one wrong detour)  We made it just as the ticket girl was approaching our car.  Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to ourselves!

Every year I have trouble with the few cards I send and I am sending less and less.  This year I had a special card picked out for a friend and took an extra amount of time to write meaningful words.  Must have mailed it with no last name or address.

PC050991I love the stories about Christmas.  Some are real tear jerkier but the messages are about the real meaning of Christmas.  The Charlie Brown Christmas story is a real classic!

I am now reading an English story about a young girl who is trying to win the love of a prince and she invites him to her home for Christmas to meet her family.  It is dysfunctional but fortunately her mom and uncle are away so she hires a trop of unprofessional,want to be, actors to play the parts of the mom and the uncle.

Just keep on saying ho ho ho and you will be as jolly as Old St. Nick.
I know Sandra is doing just that as the time for her departure near.


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, the hand cream might be nice to have around.

Glad you did not get a ticket!



nancy-Lou said...

Did you find the appointment at the stroke prevention clinic helpful? I don't think we have on in Manitoba....good idea though.

There really is no excuse for a two hour wait...unless there was an emergency for the doctor. Do you take your knitting or reading? I usually knit.

Your book sounds interesting. Do you read in bed too? My favourite thing is to go to bed early, with my electric blanket on warm and read my book. I am reading Lily Cigar a novel written in the era of the 1840's. I haven't been held "captive" by it, but it passes the time. I want to re start the book The got too bogged down in going no w
here...but I think if I stick it out it will become really good. It was highly rated.

Tomorrow, my friend, Susan and I are going to the Wayside try it out! First time in church in a year.

It is freezing rain here and the temperature is -10C....crazy weather. WE will stay home. I will take the dogs for a walk though...cannot miss that.
Going to make butter tarts today.
Scotch shortbread tomorrow.

Well, it is going to be another wonderful day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy another wonderful day.
I made cookies to take to Jim yesterday and he was pleased but his future is grim. His daughter will come Christmas Eve day.
I want to find a special book to read to Morgan over the holiday time at Sandra's house. The children grow up so fast so it is good to do something special with them.
Do you make gluten free cookies. They are a little crumbly when I make them so now I mostly buy them.
Off to Chapters today.
Enjoy your visit to church. Look at the people and listen for a word just for you.
Enjoy !
love beth

Anonymous said...

Well the kids are all on holidays for 6 weeks. Matthew finished yesterday. His school report was great . I developed a tooth ache on Thursday I went to the dentist yesterday and had my rear molar taken out. Got bad news about my front bridge and it may have to be replaced.
We also got a baby chicken. Jesse's girlfriend gave the little ones a baby chicken. Only days before a cat or dog eats it .

nancy-Lou said...

I do make gluten free cookies, Beth. I am making Scotch Shortbread and butter tarts with wheat flour for company and to give as gifts. I may "cheat and try one or two". How nice you took cookies to Jim. Sorry to hear he is failing.

How nice to read with Morgan. They say parents of today just don't have enough time to read with their children. Our school brings the kids to the Senior's Scene and they read to the seniors.

I will enjoy meeting the people at the Wayside Chapel and will listen for a special word for me! Thanks for giving me the "tip", my friend!

Well it is off to bed to read, I wish you a good night's sleep and a wonderful day tomorrow.
