Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I  gave Kim the camera to take Ron"s picture.

Phoned Sandra on Monday and again today,

Dad says his lip is too sore to venture out.

Too bad.

Exterminator coming to=morrow.


Anonymous said...

Ron doesn't look too happy. If you could find some bonjela teething cream that was not too hot Dad could try that on his lips? Maybe an over the counter solution, but I am sure your dr would have better pain relief. Melina is at work I am holding on till 8pm when I can go to bed. The kids came to bed with me last night with there roller skates on !!!!! ( I have one 3am start left ) I have the weekend off ,back for two days then two weeks leave. Did I tell you Matthew said he wanted to go to Canada to see grama and grampa . Of course it was the day after I booked my no refund hotel.
PS Thanks for all your kind words Nancy I am sure it cheers my mom up.
PPS Matthew wanted to know if it ever gets to -40c , I said sure does and showed him the Winnipeg weather . ☃

nancy-Lou said...

OH, thanks for the nice words Ken and that is so cute about Matthew wanting to know if it got to -40C. We haven't hit that number yet this winter. The coldest has been -32. That is pretty darned cold, Matthew. The snow squeaks under your boots and if you throw a cup of boiling water in the air it freezes in the air! We need a special heater in our car engine to help warm the oil so it starts in the cold weather. It is called a block heater! All things you, in Australia don't need. We actually like winter, Matthew! We snowmobile, ski, curl, skate, we have a super high downhill slide for kids....there are lots to do! oh, of course, the best is play ice hockey. We have an outdoor rink for that. I am too old to do most of these things...but used too!

Beth, how are you feeling today? Is that infection getting better? I sure hope so....that is an awful thing to have to put up with.
How is Larry's lip?

We had a long day in Winnipeg at the hospital with Carl. He had two tests done and another one coming up. A nuclear scan of his heart. Gosh, his Dr.is good. He doesn't leave a thing undone. Very caring and compassionate and approachable. We always have some good laughs because Carl, likes to tease and joke around.

Such a pretty day to travel with ice fog creating hoar frost on the trees and wire fences. The highways were very good. Hope it is the same tomorrow!

How did you make out with the exterminator? Did he find out where the mice are getting in the house?

Well, I am tired and going to go to bed and read my book..do you like to read in bed too? I put the electric blanket on and it is just so cozy.

Have a good sleep tonight,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy and Ken thanks for the kind words. I do like to read in bedtoo

Love beyh