Friday, May 12, 2017


Driving in the rain I try to take a picture of a young girl with an umbrella.  That is the blue.

It was an amazing story to hear about Oliver and his mates rescuing three big dogs in a small boat while working as the  Coast Guard clearing ground around the water.  The big dogs have fallen through the thin ice.  I am sure their boat would be in danger of over-turning with the weight of the dogs Great Danes!   There is a picture of Oliver lifting one into the boat.  The story even made the news.  Many others in my family have and continue to impress me with their bravery and care for others, especially animals.

Most of us live out ordinary lives that are sometimes transform us into hero's.  On my walk I met an old friend, I am sure we were meant to meet, who told me about her husband dying of cancer.  She does not want anyone to know but felt better after sharing her sadness with me.  He is only 66 which I consider still young.

Listening to her made me realize once again how important the little things are in life.  Our stories have powerful messages to live every day like it is your last.

At the tea at the church special hugs were given to several ladies going through difficult times. They continue to face each day with courage and strength and faith.  They are hero's too.

Telling our own story reveals our own personal response to life, the inner response we may share with just a few.

Most of us do not realize just listening and caring is more meaningful than we realize.

My faith is built on the stories of scripture and the experiences of friends and my own life changes.

Organized religion can be a pain in the neck when it is misinterrupted and abused.  We all know how painful a pain in the neck can be.

Yet religion founded on a spirituality of mercy and grace and forgiveness has the potential to transform our hearts and minds so we become caring and compassionate.
Darlene has been through a young grand daughter having cancer and she is now doing well.


nancy-Lou said...

Sometimes those rain photos are really nice, as this one is Beth! I have painted rain and ducks in the past....

Caring and listening are wonderful gifts that people can give to those who are struggling. so often people say things that relate to their own oh I went through that to and I did this and that...but really all one needs to do is care and listen...not offer a lot of advice. I know that is a special gift you have Beth and admire you for all the support you give others in need. You are a true hero to many!

Tomorrow is the day the teenage girl is coming to help us in the yard. this will be the first grass cut this year. I know you have been cutting the grass for weeks now out at the coast.

Well this is a short note as I am tired tonight and off to bed to read for a while.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, nancy

Sandra said...

we sure have had some down pours these last few days. did my half day of work at home then my regular weekly clean up. includes the kitten room now so takes longer.

beth bennett said...

Even the golfer across the street was unhappy as the grass was too wet for his early golf game.

Dad's spine is very painful to-night
and I am unhappy as my partial teeth broke.

I will be toothless for at least five or six days
waiting for it to be fixed.

Nice it was warm and sunny today.

We all need a good nights sleep to-night.

Love mom