Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Feeling a little better so decided to walk to Boundary Park hoping the fresh air and movement would do me good.  When I arrived I discovered I was walking behind a group of moms with baby carriages.  They were doing exercises as they stopped at certain points.  The mothers looked so young and the babies very young too.

Here they are stopping to do stretches.

A young family of ducklings huddled together.
One by one they wake up and follow mom into the water.
She calls to them and they swim out in a file behind her.  
They have even grown in the two days since dad saw them first on his bike.
All the bushes and trees look so fresh and green.

Dad and I have to go to the dentist at 5.  I know mine is a short visit but poor dad has to have that plaster stuff in his mouth again.  I am sure we all hate it.  So I do not think he will want fish and chips to-night.  I think I will have toast again but with an egg.

"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible-and achieve it, generation after generation."  Pearl S. Buck

Young people help us to feel young at heart every time we are with them.


Sandra said...

So, did the walk help you to feel better? How was the second appointment?


beth bennett said...

Yes the walk helped.
I only walked half way as dad picked me up.
My second appointment went well but he implant
is more painful now sitting on swollen and sore gums.
Take aspirin and rinse with salt water.

Yes I can even smile now and even laugh!

My appointment is at noon on the 26
the day Carol arrives. We will go have a visit
after I guess.

So we are free this week end.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Aren't those the cutest little ducklings? I am so glad you were able to get over to the park for a walk. Good for you. Glad to hear that you are feeling better today too. I am sure your mouth will be sore after all that work.

I had a tough day at the hospital. The plastic surgeon operated on the cancer on my nose...took it off and then ran the samples to the lab and it came back cancer free around the edges so that meant he got it all.

He took a skin graft from my neck and sewed it on with over two dozen stitches. i could watch all he was doing because it was on my nose..well couldn't see the actual nose...but it was interesting. the freezing hurt a lot, but he said it was the worst place. The pain is manageable tonight...with meds.
My blood pressure fell though into the low 50's on the bottom and I got very weak, nauseous and cold and shaky. The surgeon was really sweet and treated my like his Grandmother...he is Greek and looks like a Greek God which helps a lot! hahaha. They looked after me really well.
I was on the gurney for three hours and that was long enough!
He put steri tape over the wound and then a huge piece of lumped up gauze that he stitched in place to my skin...to catch the blood. It seeps a bit. so I look very cute! also have stitches on my neck and a huge bandage.
I still had to drive home because Carl didn't sleep last night and was dozy....but we arrived home all in one piece. going to bed now.

isn't that nice that Carol will be home for a visit soon. I know you will be looking forward to that.

Keep up the smiles and laughing...

Love. Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy you are a real brick and you must be glad it is all over.

Happy it is not spreading.

I cannot image driving home after that.

You will be very sore and strange looking for a while.

That was really one tough day! !

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thanks for your encouraging comments, Beth. It sure makes me feel better.

Love Nancy