Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Actually my new route is an old route I use to walk with Gundy. 
In fact at one time I could do both walks in the morning. 
First down to Coyote Creek then back up the hill to Boundary Park.
I wish I could do that again but some days it is hard to even do half what I use to do.  Yes, I am thankful.  I am feeling safe again!
DSCN1978The amazing thing about the story of Alice Herz-Sommer is she is so thankful that both her and son survived although grieving deeply the death of her husband and mother.  She had made up stories constantly to tell him and she laughed and hid her fear and worry.  She had his imagine that a bad witch had forced them to take the wrong train and they were waiting for the good soldiers to come and rescue them.  They would pretend the watery soup was really potatoes and other good food.

I am not doing my Bible study on Rev. chapters 8 & 9.  I know that a lot of the way you read the Bible is through the lens of what other people have interrupted.  I try to think what these cruel words must have meant to those who read in terrible circumstances.  I know that it is directed at  the Romans but I cannot stomach reading it.  I know that others will feel the same and maybe by the grace of God we will find something relevant to our own lives.  I know that we always find some thing to laugh about; so it is fun just to get together.

Maybe some who have read this and they are frightened by the judgement day coming have changed their life and take a new path!   Maybe prayer becomes the powerful force to help us change ourselves and our world.

Christianity is now taking a new route on the Biblical stories.  I happen to find the Bible a most amazing book especially when I see human nature seems to common to us all.  Too bad there are a lot of churches holding on to the belief that every word in the Bible is true.  Love your neighbor as yourself seems like a good place to begin.  Is there a judgment day?  I would rather concentrate on finding the divine that shines light for us on our path here and now.  Light is good!

Even  as Jesus came not to abolish the Torah but to show the truth of a life lived out of compassion and forgiveness.

Yesterday we spent another afternoon with Vera and Howard.  I read one of dad's stories and Howard seem to really get a lot out of it.

Tomorrow after Bible study I may  drop by to see Jim who is extremely ill with a nasty cold.  I know he believes he is dying and he has even refused a milkshake so that is bad.  I will remind him that God loves him but I know that is hard for him to believe.  I will pray for him.


Sandra said...

In to work early today as I have a bunch of meetings this week and I am not very prepared. Randy has promised to walk the dogs for me this morning as I did not have time. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Tennis starts at 6:30pm today don't miss it.

beth bennett said...

Very exciting to have our Canadian girl doing so well with such a lovely attitude!
love mom