Monday, January 20, 2014


This is a beautiful banner one of the ladies at church has created.  We have a beautiful church with different banners and art work.

We had a excellent sermon at church yesterday.  I had written in my journal in the morning that Jesus actually expected to be engaged in the endless process of deciding what the scriptures really mean and how we are meant to live out our faith.

In years gone by God has been portrayed as a angry God who allowed his son to die on the cross so that all us sinners would be forgiven.  The truth is more likely that the Romans and also the Jewish priest thought they were in danger of losing their authority and power because of all the people were listening to the teachings of Jesus.  They planned his death.

A loving God who is portrayed not as a lamb being slain but a playful creature finding life amazing and full of love.  We look at a lamb and we see tenderness and littleness and playfulness.

Jesus came to a depressed and conquered nation who had gotten weary waiting for their Messiah to come and rescue them from corrupt and unjust political and religious authority.  They were hungry for good news and an affirming spiritual presence in their lives.  Just imagine the rumblings that Jesus caused as he was presenting a new interruption of scripture.

I believe there are endless ways of discovering more about scripture and finding why it has been interpreted along certain paths.  We are called to live in the fullness of love and not be victims of fear.

Faith is kept alive if we keep asking questions and are open to new discoveries and many opinions.

After church dad cooked us bacon and eggs and did all the cleaning up too.  I did a lot of house work on Saturday so it is wonderful to be spoiled.

After dad and I drove to Burnaby to visit Shirley Fowler in hospital.  It was a little confusing for us as the first floor was the third floor and the elevator did not stop at the fourth floor, which was no problem as we were going to the fifth floor.  She will be 95 in Feb.  She has water on her lungs I think because the heart is failing.  She was thrilled to see us and very cheerful and wanting very much to return to her own apartment.  ...this is the hospital in the sunshine.


Sandra said...

It was nice to see the fog peak out a bit yesterday. I took down the Christmas lights on the front bushes and went for a long walk with the dogs. I even went to Super Store by my self as Randy ended up having to double yesterday. Normally I only like to shop there if there is the 3 of us so one can pack. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Well sounds like you had a very good day. Dogs must have been happy.
Hope Randy has time off soon.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Very quite at work yesterday , makes for along day when it's not so busy. I got up early to watch the football . Glad the Seahawks won. Uncle Wilfred died on Sunday, you met him at Tyler's christening at Canberra 24 years ago. He was Arturs friend from Germany. He was a nice man . I think he was about 79yrs. Melina off to buy school books and clothes today , back to school in a week and a half.

larry bennett said...

Too bad about uncle Wilfred - I believe I do remember him. That was quite the game - sea hawks were a little lucky to win. The tennis is great - That Japaness boy did great against nadal. Our Canadian Girl will be playing today - should be a good game.

The Canucks are losing players in bunches - I don't think Henrik will be playing for awhile. So does Melina have about another six months to get her rating?

I thought time would fly in your new job - guess it usually does.