Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I love the little bit of color my garden is producing all on its own.  This little plant has survived all the changes I have made by moving it around.  I am making it a promise to take the best care of it now!
There is much work to be done right now cleaning up and catching those ugly weeds early.

So I did not do any gardening.  I will be doing a little bit each day hopefully.  The cold fog is negative influence but maybe just an excuse.

Yesterday  had an early dentist appointment which really seemed to tire me out.  I had not slept well thinking I would sleep in, which I know is crazy but I have been known to do crazy things the odd time or two.

The sun did peep out later in the day and dad went for a walk.  Very good.

These are some of the quotes from the book about Alice.

"Everyday is a miracle.  No matter how bad my circumstances I have the freedom to choose my attitude to life, even to find joy.  Evil is not new.  It is up to us how we deal with both good and bad.  No one can take this power from us."

"Understanding others can lead to peace."

"Be kind.  Kindness is free.  It costs you nothing and the rewards are great for everyone."

"Her ability to accept reality, not to allow anger or frustration to dominate even a few moments of her time, to garner the courage to trust her own instincts rather than depend on the approval of others, and to hold fast to hope that will be at work within."

I have lived in music!"  which is her mortal way of connecting to infinity.

"The deep connection to music is life sustaining."

"Solitude does not need to be lonely.  It is the quiet that is essential for listening.  In solitude we call up from the depths of our souls sights and memories that are beyond the visible or the verbal.  It is in the stillness when the artist can be the most creative."  For me it is the morning time of quiet meditation and  prayer.

The hardest time for Alice in the camp was to listen to her young son cry from hunger and have nothing to give him.  He was about five years old.
To listen to his questions what is war? and why are we Jews? and have no answers.

We need to treasure time.  Every moment that passes is gone forever.  There are lessons in very many of these moments for us to learn.

Optimism helps me through dark  days.  Yes there will always be good and bad days.

We do not need things we need friends and family!

I think from these quotes it seems we need to have things in life that we enjoy doing, that inspire us and that help others.  We need courage to accept the changes that come with age.  There will always be work that also needs to be done but it helps to try to be cheerful!

And there are times when you are just a little bit crazy and need a good laugh.


nancy-Lou said...

Lovely winter colours in your garden Beth....I wish my garden wasn't all one colour...white! and more white today. We have lots of fun watching the activity at our bird feeding station. We have a steady parade of birds and animals. Right now we have three white tail deer right in front of our window...eating seeds on the ground, pawing at each other...funny the does quarrel and the bucks get along! It is a tough winter for them...quite a few people feed them, but we don't anymore as they are very destructive to my shrubs and summer flowers.
Wouldn't that break your heart Not having enough food for your child in the camp and having to try to explain why. The world can be a cruel place. Wouldn't the book about Alice be depressing? I find it difficult to read those stories...filled with so much pain.
Well I am heading in to the studio....have a great day, Love Nancy

Sandra said...

It seems so simple in words to choose you outlook, but the ones who actually manage to rise above their circumstances are amazing. I know what I know but continue to grumble. Why? Flossing, the answer to many of lives evil. Sandra

beth bennett said...

No Nancy it was not a depressing book to read and in fact I learned some things.
Her love for music and her continue to practice and teach others is inspiriting.

Cold here with the fog first thing but now the sun is shining and what a difference.

love beth

Sandra said...


Anonymous said...

Sunny and warmer here today. Heating up tomorrow. Still have fire every days around here. They think it's a fire bug, hope they catch him soon. Eight shifts then two week holiday. Yeah

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sandra I know what I should do but. . . .
Ken what an awful thought to think they are being set. Hope your work goes well.
love mom