Sunday, January 26, 2014


On Friday dad and I had a walk in the forest and it was so quiet and peaceful.  As we kept walking we were delighted to see these little stone figures along the path.  Yes, someone had been along this way before us.
Saturday was such a beautiful day dad and I decided to drive out to Fort Langley.  It has been ages since we have been there.  A quaint little town with lots of interesting stores of all varieties.  We had two problems one being dad could not walk very far (not doing so good actually) and there was no place to eat where I could eat or else they were all filled up.  We could have gone into two dark places, not only dark, but very noisy.  One was a pub and another was a old fashioned very cute place but the only room was in the very back again in a dark corner.  This town has sure grown and changed and it is hard to see it change.  There was no room for us at any of the outdoor spots which would have been fun.

It was such a beautiful day and we enjoyed the drive.

I came home and made some cookies but I was very disappointed with the taste and I even followed the recipe~

Silence helps us to really listen and be aware of the world around us and hopefully making us aware of how much we have to be thankful for.  There was even silence in heaven when all was still waiting for the divine to reveal to us what the future may hold for the wicked.   Rev. 8:1

I go for a quick walk in the fog as there will not be time for a stroll in the forest before church.


nancy-Lou said...

Fort Langley....hmm not sure where it is, but sounds like a nice place, unless you want to eat! Glad you went for a nice drive. I will check it out on maps.
Sorry to hear Larry cannot walk far....that is frustrating for him and you. Carl is the same..he has fallen quite a few times, especially on uneven ground. He cannot get up and I have to call our sons or friends. I hope he feels better soon.
I painted yesterday with my best friend. Gina. We painted in oils and had a grand time together. She is full of fun. I love the intensity of colour oil paints give to the painting. It is a sunset scene. Will finish today and post. We went out for supper afterwards and the highways were very icy. They have been terrible this winter with tons of people running in the ditch and some rolling over. Had a lovely day with such good friends, Bob and Gina. Take care, love to you both, Nancy

beth bennett said...

NANCY you make me want to start painting! Did you finish your grand daughter?
Both dad and I have a hard time getting up. A lady came and helped me up when dad and I were walking but I had just sat down to take a picture. In the forest.
Off to a birthday party today but won't be able to have birthday cake. .......but should be fun with a 4 year old and a 2 year old and all the friends and family Ava and Jeff can squeeze in their little place.
love beth

craig decraene said...

I like your nature pictures. Very good

beth bennett said...

Thank you Craig I been missing your "hi"
love grama

Anonymous said...

Good to see dad is walking with you. My back is still bad, I am going to the hospital today to have my toe looked at. What a pain .... But gotta do it as the toe keep rubbing against the sheets and walking me up.

Sandra said...

I wish you would have stopped by here, I was going to call and invite you but then I thought since you were going out Sunday maybe you would not want to come all the way here. And I even have frozen gluten free cookie dough in the freezer. Randy and I had a quiet weekend. He worked graveyard one night and then night shift. Cut down 3 of the overgrown shrubs in the front. Finished my puzzle, well as much as I could. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I thought about it too but thought you would like a quiet week-end. I have been craving cookie sough isn't that funny.
Are you missing some pieces?
love mom

beth bennett said...

I thought about it too but thought you would like a quiet week-end. I have been craving cookie sough isn't that funny.
Are you missing some pieces?
love mom