Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Which one?  The forest or the pond So I did not go to the little pond at Boundary park
but instesd
Dad and I choose to walk in the forest together.  It was raining lightly but the air is so fresh it is amazing.  Everything was fine until we were leaving and dad had a pain in his upper back, which he thought may be a pulled muscle.

Came home and took a pain pill and I tried hot and cold.  Eventually he went to bed and had a sleep.

I phoned Vera and told her we would not be coming over and of course she understood.

Now he thinks it may be kidney stones and it would be a relief if we had a medical opinion but he says no.  I am making him drink lots and he is not doing as much as I would like.

I guess it is just a matter of waiting for it to get better or worse,  I went to the Health food store and he suggested the doctor and I phoned the nurse hot line and was put on hold but they suggested a ambulance which I will do if it gets worse which it probably will at 2 in the morning.

Had a chat with Stephen for his birthday and it is pretty cold there,  Homeward bound to-morrow.

DSCN1162P8312401Who is happy her picture won a prize?  I hope this is the right picture.

I continue to try and make sense out of life and to live as well as possible but there always seems to be questions.


Sandra said...

This is what you get up to when I don't read the blog for a day! I will hope that tomorrow morning brings better news and dad is able to sleep tonight. Busy at work and the woman who's husband died has asked if I would drop by for a visit so I am going to go on Friday. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Oh, oh, I do hope Larry feels better.....that does not sound very good though! Men are so stubborn when it comes to doctors.
I am glad that you are walking with Larry, not alone early in the morning Beth. I do worry about you.

I am adopting two little rescue dogs from a rescue in Minneapolis. We will drive down to pick them up...maybe next week. They need some vetting done first. Soo excited. They are a brother and sister..poodle shnauzer crosses and really cute... 6 years old.

Your pictures are so green...we are devoid of all colour here, except white and more white! I love those soft misty days at the coast.

I hope you both have a good night and Larry feels better.

Love to you both,