Monday, January 13, 2014



                                 Faith is to me like notes on a page waiting to be sung.
First you have to tune your instrument and learn how to read the notes so you can play them.  It helps if you have heard the song before.

The wise person is a listener.

"Jesus' intention was, and is, to call people to live in tune with reality"  in relationship with others.
It is about becoming real!  In life we start by being a learner, then a doer and then a teacher!  I have progressed through these stages by playing and singing many wrong notes!

As our minister expressed today every child that is born is blessed by God and is not saved by baptism.  John the Baptist saw that people needed to have their sins washed away so he had a ministry of baptism.  He recognized the presence of God in Jesus in  its most powerful form.  Jesus was able to see and recognize the presence of God in all of us, including women and children.  He walked among the ordinary people to let them hear this new song being sung all around them.  You are loved!
Music is powerful because it has spiritual energy.
Yes, dad and I went to church and came home right after.  Later in the afternoon we tried a short walk, dad calls it Melina's walk because that is where I lead the way.  It was very muddy and wet.  The little creek was full of rocks and tumbling water.  Forgot my camera.


Sandra said...

Randy still has a tempatur and is home today again but we did go out yesterday and got a new smart thermostat. I live it because it is simple and the numbers are big so I can see it. It is suppose to learn and I can turn the heat up from work if I am getting off early and don't want to come home to a cold house. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Very wise of Randy to stay home especially with a temperature!
Glad you have a wise thermostat.
Get your rest, keep warm and well.
love mom

Anonymous said...

110F Here today ...Going to the tennis tonight , see the match between Nadal and Tomic ... be a long day for me as i am up at 2am...Melina and kids stayed at her sisters house last night . Hope they dont get to used to the air conditioning.

beth bennett said...

Ken, Will you be able to nap before you go. A very hot day as well as a long day.
love mom