Friday, January 3, 2014


I  did walk down to see how the ducks were doing at Boundary Park just a short walk right out in the open.

Yesterday, Thursday, I decided not to go visiting for several reasons but one was that dad and I would do something together.  But since we had no real plans it turned out to be a bit of a boring day.  We did not feel like doing much and although we drove down to the dollar store we had to rush home as dad had a stomach ache.  This is usually my role so I completely understood.

Later in the day I brought out our photo albums looking for information for a paper that Ben has to do about his ancestors and where they immigrated from and when.  This perked us up a bit as dad and I dug out old albums, well I did that, and he looked on the computer.  He lost some information after being hacked so annoying.
It has been an excited and busy Christmas season but now we have to get back doing the things that have to be done every day.

Friday we drove through rain into a bright sunny day in Chilliwack armed with photo books and lots of stories.  I will finish this story in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Dad lost some of his family history files? That's too bad!



beth bennett said...

This is published in the wrong order so you have to keep reading.

Sandra said...

I was wondering why you went out to Chilliwack, Going to spend some time working on getting pictures from our old computer to new one. Big job as we have lots of duplicates to filter out. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to me. I am off to work . Melina is taking the kids to the zoo. Ken

larry bennett said...

Happy Birthday Tomorrow - the real time of your birth - love
and miss your much!!