Thursday, January 23, 2014



I catch a glimpse of the sunrise as I close our window.  The air is very cold here first think in the morning.  I know others would think it was a heat wave.  This is what greets me on my morning walk.  A misty fog that seems to dampen the spirit as well as the body.  The last few days the sun has managed to show the fog who is boss and shines down on us.

Oral traditions keeping stories alive!

Our study group got off to a good start with telling jokes and ended the same way.  So we study and we laugh and we love one another as well as learn.  We have gotten to know each other so very well over the years and it has been good to see people become more confident in leading as well as praying.

I was thinking about our visits with Vera and Howard.  For years we sat on the same pew together and would enjoy social gathers at the church but now with our visits in their home we have grown so much closer and learned a lot about their early years and find we have lots in common.

While I was at the study dad went shopping at Cost-Co and bought a cupboard full of food.  We are annoyed at the prices at our Safeway Store which seem to be going up each time we shop there.  He did well with a long walk from his parking place and all around the store.  It was a little less crowded inside so that helped and we are gradually finding where things are.

Today dad and I are having lunch with Lois Dunlop whose parents were good friends with dad's parents.  They also looked after Sandra when I had to go back in hospital when she was only several months old.

 Boy that was hard and I cried myself to sleep every night.  I was very sick, tired and confused and lonely.  What kind of mother was I going to be?  I knew that being a good parent needed a lot of energy and strength and courage,

That was the doctor who said I did not have celiac and that went on my record.  They did not have proper testing back then.
How did this picture get way down here it is suppose to be back up under the other one?


nancy-Lou said...

How nice that you do home visits with your friends and read some of Larry's stories to them. They must really enjoy them...he is a great story writer.
We too, shop at Costco, once a month. Our store is too small and is really overcrowded. Parking is a nightmare.
I cannot afford to shop at Safeway, although I like the store. The prices are as much as 33% higher than Superstore. Yes I am a Superstore gal! Our local stores are right out of sight for prices...a gallon of milk is a $1 more that the city.
Beth, did you have Celiac Disease as a young woman? Were you so sick you were hospitalized and they didn't diagnose it? Shame on them. You must have suffered terribly. I there a history of Celiac Disease in your family?
I am convinced my Mom had it....she was told she had Colitis.
To think,how she suffered and could have been helped.
Have a good Thursday.
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Sorry, I read your blog this morning but then noticed I was late to walk the dogs so jumped up and ran out. Is there no handicap parking spots at COSTCO? I shop at Superstore most of the time now, though Randy loves going to our little but very expensive local store. Adena has been told she has Celiac disease. I actually thought for quite a while that she might. Randy is getting surrounded by more and more gluten free commandos as he calls you all. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Hi there,
No I did not have it as a child although I always tired easily. I would play very hard and then I would be all worn out. My mom took me to the doctor because I was so pale and tired and she thought my blood count was low. It was not back then but after my first child there were a lot of weird things in my blood.
I think my dad's sister had it and I think my cousin in England has it or at least is on a wheat free diet.

I worry about Sandra and Carol and maybe even Ken. They need a good doctor and a complete check up.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Delta Assist just phoned me to say that Morgan got second prize in the contest where we all went that night with her painting!!! I’m going to pick up her certificate a little prize on Monday in Surrey.If you are chatting with Theresa you can tell her. I'll drop by Monday afternoon after I pick the present.
You can tell Theresda next time you are chatting. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Woke to a lovely drop of rain today. Two more late shifts . School starts next week , Matthew has his school shoes , which help him run fast...

beth bennett said...

I can remember when you Ken thought the same and how you all loved to run.
love mom